Party and fights

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It was now ten p.m., and Ned and Peter were nervously walking up the grand driveway to the sprawling mansion. The front yard was adorned with twinkling fairy lights, casting a soft glow over the manicured lawns and hedges. As they stepped inside, Peter's nervousness grew.

The entrance hall of the mansion was impressive, with a grand staircase leading to the upper floors and a massive chandelier hanging from the ceiling, casting shimmering light across the room. The air was thick with the sound of loud music, thumping rhythmically from the DJ booth set up in the living room. The bass was so strong it seemed to reverberate through their bodies, making Peter's heart pound even harder.

The main room was packed with people. Multicolored strobe lights flashed in sync with the music, casting vibrant hues across the sea of dancing bodies. Groups of teenagers were scattered throughout the space, some moving rhythmically to the music while others clustered in corners, laughing and chatting loudly to be heard over the din. The scent of perfume and cologne mixed with the faint aroma of alcohol and sweat.

To their left, a makeshift bar had been set up on a large wooden table, with various bottles of soda and alcohol. A few students were mixing drinks, their faces flushed with excitement and perhaps a bit of inebriation. Red Solo cups were clutched in many hands, their contents sloshing as people moved around.

In another corner, a couple was making out passionately, oblivious to the chaos around them. Nearby, a group of friends was engaged in a lively conversation, their laughter ringing out above the music. 

"Okay, we're gonna have Spider-Man swing in, say you guys are tight, and I get a fist bump or one of those half bro-hugs," repeated Ned, laying out their plan with a nervous grin.

Before Ned could say anything else, someone interrupted him. "Can't believe you're at this lame party," said MJ, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"But you're here too," replied Ned, confused.

"Am I?" replied MJ with a mysterious smirk before walking away. Peter just stood there, baffled by her enigmatic behavior. He couldn't figure her out.

"OMG, hey Ned, cool hat!" announced a voice. Both teenagers turned around to see Liz approaching them, her face lighting up with a warm smile.

Peter froze, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Hi, Liz," said both guys simultaneously, their voices a mix of excitement and nerves.

"I'm so happy you guys came! There's pizza and drinks. Help yourself," added Liz, still smiling.

"Wow, thanks, what a great party," replied Peter, his heart still racing.

"Thanks," Liz said, her smile broadening. Before she could say anything else, a loud crash echoed through the room as someone broke a glass.

"Oh, I, my parents will kill me if anything's broken. I gotta go," explained Liz hurriedly before she left to attend to the situation.

After Liz walked away, Ned turned to Peter. "Dude, what are you doing? She is here. Spider it up."

"No, no, no. I can't do this. Gwen was right, Spider-Man is not a party trick, okay? Look, I'm just gonna be myself."

"Peter, no one wants that," replied Ned, disappointed.

"Dude," replied Peter, hurt by Ned's comment. He walked away, feeling dejected. As he moved through the crowded room, a voice boomed through the microphone.

"Penis Parker, what's up? So where is your pal Spider-Man? Let me guess, in Canada with your imaginary girlfriend," joked Flash, his bully.

The house erupted in laughter. "That's not Spider-Man, that's just Ned in a red shirt," added Flash, adding to the ridicule.

Hearing this, Peter's fury bubbled over. Despite his promise to Gwen, he felt the urge to prove himself. He stormed out of the party, the laughter and taunts ringing in his ears. As he walked away, he spotted a dark alley, perfect for a quick change. Determined, he ducked into the shadows and began undressing

Little did Peter know, someone was watching him carefully from a nearby car. "I knew it," whispered Gwen, satisfied. She knew Peter wouldn't keep his promise. As she watched closely, she noticed Peter's gaze shift away from the party, focusing intensely on something in the distance. Reaching for her binoculars, she spotted a neon blue explosion in the distance. Immediately, she drove towards the explosion, hoping not to lose Peter. Thankfully, she had grabbed her gun before leaving the house to spy on Peter.

Arriving at the destination, Gwen swiftly exited her car and approached a bridge. There, she saw four men handling some alien technology. As she sneaked closer, she accidentally stepped on a leaf, making a noise. The four men turned their heads, and Gwen quickly hid behind another car, gripping her gun tightly as she waited for the perfect opportunity. Scanning the area, she finally found Peter sticking to the bridge.

"Good, Peter is still safe," muttered Gwen.

As she strained to hear the men's conversation, suddenly Peter's ringtone blared out, startling everyone.

"What the fuck, man," one of the criminals exclaimed, pulling a gun from his jacket. Both men pointed their guns at the buyer.

"Did you set us up?" another guy demanded, his gun aimed at the buyer. "Hey, hey, man," stuttered the buyer nervously. Before he could say anything, Peter suddenly jumped down, intervening.

"Hey, hey, come on. You gonna shoot at somebody, shoot at me," spoke a naïve Peter.

"What the fuck, Peter," whispered Gwen angrily.

"All right," answered the criminal casually, pointing his gun at Peter. Before he could shoot, Gwen fired her gun, hitting him in the shoulder. All four men, including Peter, turned their heads toward Gwen, who was now pointing her gun at them.

"Gwen, what are you doing here?" Peter asked nervously.

"Not now, Spider-Man," replied Gwen angrily.

"Come on, lady, put the gun away," one of the men taunted. Before Gwen could respond or interfere further, Peter ran towards one of the guys. As he reached him, the man suddenly activated some sort of weapon and hit Peter with a blue blast, sending him flying back into Gwen. Both crashed to the ground, and the four men jumped into their cars and sped away.

"What was that?" asked Peter.

"Oh shit, sorry, Gwen," added Peter as he realized he was lying on top of her. He quickly stood up and helped Gwen to her feet.

"What the fuck, Peter? Shouldn't you be at a party?" Gwen scolded him angrily. Before she could say anything else, Peter suddenly webbed her to the ground, fortifying her with web fluid.

"Sorry, Gwen, it will dissolve in two hours. Sorry, love you," Peter said before chasing after the criminals and disappearing.

"Oh, I will kill you, Peter," whispered Gwen, seething with anger.

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