First Day

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Daycee's POV

Finally, Summer has come to an end and today's the first day of school. I miss being at school and away from this house.

I decide on wearing an oversized sweatshirt, jeans and a pair of oxfords. Its not like anyone's going to pay attention to me, I'm just that awkward girl that doesn't talk to anybody, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

As I walk out of my house, I notice Luke rushing out, and makes his way over to catch up with me. He was grinning at me like an idiot as we were walking. Not being able to handle it anymore I exasperatedly asked "what?!"

He chuckled a bit "I saw you singing and dancing to Elvis Presley this morning."

My eyes widened and I light blush took over my features. I shook my head and decided to play cool, "didn't your daddy ever tell you not to stalk people."

Luke's famous grin widened, "no he taught me if I wanted something, I have to do whatever it takes to get it."

I rolled my eyes, "so you decide to stalk me?"

"Best way to get to know you," he chuckles as we start approaching the school.

He's still walking next to me, a guy as popular as him can't be caught talking to me. I'm the least popular girl at school, it could affect him. I usually don't care about the idiots in this school but Luke is different, I don't want to be the reason he goes through a rough senior year.

"Uh, Luke?"

"Yes Presley?"

I rolled my eyes at my apparent new nickname. "We're close to the school, I think its time for you to leave me."

Luke furrowed his eyebrows, deeply and genuinely confused. "Why would I do that love?"

I stopped walking "because you're popular and I'm me. This," I motioned my hand between us, "isn't normal. You and I aren't supposed to be friends. If you care about your populari-"

Luke cut me off by placing his hand on my mouth. "You can't be serious? You're the realest girl in this school so whether you like it or not I'm going to be your friend. And trust me, you'll love it. I don't care how adorable you look when you rant, I'm not going to stand here and let you say such things. Now lets get to school." He wraps his arm around me and continues to walk to school.

I'm processing two things. One, he really wants to be my friend and doesn't care what others think. Two, Luke Hemmings called me adorable.

We enter the school doors and for the first time ever, all eyes are on me.


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