Greek God

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Daycee's POV

Everyone is staring, Luke doesn't notice but I sure as hell do. He's used to this kind of attention. I want to kill Luke.

Then rush him to the hospital. Maybe heal him with true loves kiss.

Okay I've been talking to Luke too much lately. He may be a "bad boy" but he sure does sing a lot of disney princess songs.

As I'm walking through the halls I hear lots of girls snickering and making rude comments regarding Luke and I.

"She probably gave it up to him and he feels bad."

"What a slut."

"Shes such a fat pig."

I didn't care about the other comments they were making because most girls in my school have given blow jobs before their first kiss but the last one stung because it actually may be true.

What if I am a fat pig?

Finally snapping back to reality, I realized Luke had lead me to my locker.

I was confused for a moment as I bite my lip in thought. "How did you know where my locker was."

I saw something flash in Luke's eyes but he quickly hid it with a grin. "Thanks for walking me to my locker Luke, you really are a Greek God, and yes, I will let you take me out Saturday night."

I rolled my eyes, "well I wouldn't have worded it that way exactly but thanks Luke."

I started taking out the books I needed from my locker as Luke looked at me expectantly. He cleared his throat to try to get me to notice him.

"Yes, almighty Greek God?"

"I just asked you on a date this Saturday night and you didn't realize" he chuckled.

My breath hitched in my throat. No no no he can't be serious. But I'm me and he's Greek God.

"Oh so you do think I'm a Greek God." His grin widened

Did I really just say that out loud? I mentally face palmed. "Luke I-"

"Great! I'll pick you up at 7."

Before I could protest, Luke was walking away and I was left in my thoughts. Greek God, really?

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