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Farah's pov:

Today is our first day in college. I was not feeling lonely as my Eli was with me. Our agent left early in the morning to go back to Asia---. As soon as we moved toward our classes, Elena told me.

Elena: I am so excited to attend our first class, how about you Faro?

Farah: me too Eli. Let's hope our new journey will be very good and exciting.

Elena: It will be and hope we get our prince charming in this new journey.

Eli was always in search of a dream boy, yet she never dated anyone because she didn't meet a person who melted her heart. She had lots of boys as friends, and she got also a crush but never got that strong feeling about them. She is very bold and does not leave a chance to flirt with hot guys. I on the other hand also never dated anyone nor have any boys as friends like Eli. I am not too bold nor I am too comfortable in any sort of conversation with boys, one of the main reasons behind it is my family as I told you they are very conservative, especially my father. She tried to introduce to me to some of her friends but it didn't work for me. Don't get me wrong I have a crush sometimes, but that's not enough to date and be friends with them I am shy in this case and I never found anyone you know what mean, I don't get that connection with boys.

Eli is very naughty and sometimes does nasty things you know what I mean while watching nasty things I feel shy as usual, she wants me to be bold and naughty like her but I feel gross. She tried once to show me, I was so shocked that I didn't talk to her for a long period, and then she gave up.

Farah: ya right hope you got your prince charming. Now let's go to class.

Elena: Okay.

As we entered class, there were only a few students, soon class became filled and the teacher arrived. As she started her lecture. There came a group of 6 students 4 boys and 2 girls. By their appearance, they looked like some bad guys. They were having some bad vibes. It is clear if you are a normal person you will stay away from them. They entered the class and the teacher was terrified of seeing them, I don't know why. They were late but the teacher was too afraid to say anything to them. But they were super hot, I have never seen such hot bad guys in my life. Eli and I were sitting on the first bench. As they were entering, one of the boys looked me in the eyes didn't leave my eyes, and sat at the back of the class. He was super hot but still by the way he was looking at me I felt uncomfortable as I said I am not any bold in this matter but at the same, I was feeling some butterflies in my stomach, I have never felt like this before. As they settled teacher started her lecture. As I glanced back I saw him staring at me. Why is he staring at me? And what is happening to me? I don't know but I have very different emotions in me, I want to stay away from him but at the same time, my heart is drawn to him. I don't why I am feeling like this. I hope my heart doesn't make me do anything which will create problems for me in the future.

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