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(Listen to the song as this chapter takes place.. THIS TAKES PLACE KIND OF MID-WAY THROUGH THEM DATING THEY ARE KIND
OF IN THAT AWKWARD MIDDLE PHASE. THERE IS STILL A STORYLINE I'M JUST DOWN BADDD. also, Moondrop and Sundrop in their animatronic form have a kind more feminine body but, don't worry they are mostly male with a dick they can either use or not (; They can do both for you.)

Y/N walked into the daycare for one of their usual scheduled shifts for the week. They did both day and, night shifts as needed. This was just one of their many times taking the nighttime shift that most deny taking. Y/N could see why but, at the same time she knew the past guards must have not bothered to get to know the animatronic they were meant to be watching. Y/N was the only one who had managed to get on both of her co-worker's good sides not to mention they seemed to have already known her? Y/N brushed it off just, thinking they was the kind of person (replace the word) who knew everything about you just by looking at them. However, that didn't explain how they knew her name just a week in last she recalled her name hadn't been said around them. Y/N shrugged spotting the robot she just wanted to see. She waved at him and, he waved back as he placed down whatever he happened to have in his hand. Y/N was still kind of confused as to why he had such a female body base... guess it was to make kids some how feel more inclined to go towards him? I mean he was taller than the kids too... Whatever their design was beyond my imagination.

It was only a few seconds that went by before Y/N felt the Sun robot behind her wrapping his arms around her waist. Even though they had been dating for a good while now at the most a few months... She still felt her heart race from these simple actions. Sun was always the one who wanted to keep his little Y/N close to him one could say he was more obsessed with her than the Moon himself. Sun, however, was better at keeping his little obsession on the down-low. Y/N was now melting into his touch he was warm compared to her. Both the Sun and Moon held a secret from her still though, however, one that they feared would ruin their relationship. The Moon wanted to tell her however the Sun kicked his heels to keep his lunar self from telling the secret. Y/N didn't stay too long in Sun's embrace. When Y/N was out of their embrace she held a smirk on her face one that only Sun wishes he knew the thoughts behind, he would find out soon enough as Y/N grabbed his hand and, dragged him along to the tower. The Sun wore a confused smile as his alter ego was screaming in flustered. Sun knew it was a wrong idea to let him read whatever "Smut" was called, his lunar self never saw anything the same anymore.

Y/N had now led Sun up to his tower the poor guy was still sporting his confused smile as Y/N let go of his hand. "S-S-Sunflower what are we doing up here?" His alter ego flusteredness was starting to wear off on him. She didn't answer as she pulled him down onto the bed. The Sun was now pinned under Y/N who was breathing heavily. The Moon seemed to know what was happening, The Sun was starting to understand as a smirk spread across his features, "I see what your trying to do Sunflower~~"  It was at this moment Y/N knew Sundrop was no innocent man...

Sundrop (Moondrop)  X Reader (We knew you...)Where stories live. Discover now