The Walkthrough Part 2

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           Y/N lightly stomped her foot. She had no idea how she was meant to find one of these passes for the daycare. She knew she couldn't stay here at the door throwing a mini temper tantrum not when her job interview was supposedly going to take place in the daycare. Y/N gathered herself turning her heel and walking away from the daycare. She hated asking for help, her lip quivered. She would have to ask for help. Y/N hated having social anxiety for this reason. She couldn't ask simple questions without thinking of possible answers they could have along with the outcomes. Y/N could feel their body heat up with incoming panic. By, now they had been pacing in front of the door. Yeah, they thought they would be walking away.

At some point in time Y/N went off to ask for help. They was now back down where they started looking around for anything or, anybody to help them. This place was too big for it's own good. Y/N as she walked was itching at her hands every now and then to distract themselves from the panic they felt rising up inside of them. At some point they managed to find a staff bot. Finally, they walked up quickly to the staff bot plastering a smile onto their face. They was desperate to get into the daycare. They knew they probably didn't have a job interview anymore but, they came all this way they may as well find out how in the HECK to get in. She waved at the staff bot stopping in front of them. "Hey, uh do you happen to know where I could get a daycare pass?" Y/N spoke quickly. The staff bot seemed to think for a minute. At this point Y/N was gearing up for disappointment.

The staff bot must have not heard her or, they spoke too fast because the staff bot still stared at them. If they had eyebrows one would be raised. Y/N took a deep pained breath before looking down then, pulling their head back up. They spoke again this time attempting to speak slower as they felt themselves shaking, "Sorry, Hello! do you happen to know where I could get a daycare pass?" This time the staff bot nodded before pulling one out from under their hat. Finally Y/N would be able to make into the daycare.


Sundrop (Moondrop)  X Reader (We knew you...)Where stories live. Discover now