Chapter 250:

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Jackson volunteered to take the kids to school and daycare, so I drove to Mer's to see Amy before work.

Delilah: good morning!
Amy: hey!

Maggie walks into the kitchen as I give Amy a hug.

Maggie: dreamt about Dylan again last night. This time, I was in middle school and he was on the football team, and our beloved mascot was the hot firefighter.
Amy: I'm keeping the baby.
Maggie: what? Oh my god. Oh. Are... are you– are we happy?
Amy: we are... bewildered?
Maggie: well, yeah, yeah. I mean... I mean, how is this gonna work? Are you and Link gonna live together, or...? Does Meredith know?
Amy: no.
Maggie: Owen?
Amy: no! No, no one knows.
Delilah: except for me.
Maggie: yeah, and me, who somehow always knows about everyone's wombs.
Delilah: well, I know about everyone's wombs before you and most of the time, I end up being the godmother.
Amy: tell me more about Dylan and the firefighter?
Maggie: he says that they're just friends, but he's lying. He just walked out of the fog with a new girlfriend like I never existed. I actually might hate him.
Zola: my teacher said hating someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

I chuckle at my little sister and kiss her forehead.

Delilah: go get ready for school stinker.


I'm in the ER looking over patient charts when I hear someone speaking in Korean. I look up and I see Amy and Link with an elderly Korean woman. Both Nico and I approach the woman and Nico goes first to speak to the woman.

Nico: she's Korean. She says she's lost... something.
Amy: ask if she knows her name.

Nico was about to speak, but I step in and I get a response back.

Delilah: she knows her name. Her name is Soyoung.
Amy: ask if she knows what year it is.

Nico stepped in this time.

Owen: hey, what's going on?
Amy: we're not sure. We found her lost in a hallway leaning against a wall. She's dizzy and very dehydrated.
Nico: she said she has a friend that's a bird and she lost him. I don't know. She seems a little disoriented.
Amy: alright, let's get her hydrated, and we'll give her a work-up just in case.
Link: and see if you can get her to call her family.
Nico: okay.

I walk off and check on some patients.


I'm outside getting some coffee when I see Teddy with Allison.

Delilah: hey T.
Teddy: hi.
Delilah: you okay?

Just then, Owen comes around.

Owen: hey.
Teddy: hi– hi. What– what are you doing here?
Owen: um, Koracick. What are you doing here?
Teddy: oh, you know, just... failing. I mean, really, deeply failing in a poo-covered, publicly humiliating way.
Owen: let me.
Delilah: no, let me Teddy.
Teddy: okay. Thanks. Just go under.
Delilah: I've got her T. Hi! Hello sweet baby girl!
Teddy: it j-just– just went up her back. I mean, it's– it's everywhere.
Delilah: I know, it's bad. I've got it. Alright, and... boom. There ya go.
Teddy: wow. Thanks.
Delilah: not a problem. Baby Ali just loves her auntie D. Doesn't she? Yes she does, yes she does!

Teddy and Owen chuckle at me.

Delilah: hey, why don't you guys give Allison a tour of the hospital? Owen, you have a couple of scans to look at so that is a good opportunity for you.
Owen: you're right. And I'm not ready to say goodbye to you both yet.
Teddy: you're both just humoring me because you know I miss the smell of blood.
Owen: and that's why you love me.
Teddy: I do.

Stole My Heart ❤️ {a Jackson Avery Love Story} (continued)Where stories live. Discover now