Chapter 274:

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No one ever imagined we would make it this far. Incision-less surgeries, 4D imaging, mechanical organs, stem cell therapy... every medical innovation seemed impossible, unimaginable until it was achieved. And luckily, we haven't stopped making advancements. Because the other side of the unimaginable is death. And the pain that comes with loss.

3rd Person POV:

We see Leon Drake in Delilah's room checking her sats.

Leon: so, your recent COVID test came back negative, which is good. Your ABG's improved, your RSBI looks promising, and your oxygen requirements are slowly decreasing. If you keep this up, we might be able to try and wean you off the vent later today.

Leon takes Delilah's hand in his.

Leon: we need some good news Elle. Please... we really need some good news.

Meanwhile on the beach, we see Delilah walking along the sand with her feet in the water. She could hear someone laughing in the distance and she looks up and her heart jumps when she sees one of the many people she missed most in the world.

Her godfather Mark Sloan.

Delilah: uncle Mark!
Mark: little early to the party, aren't you little rockstar?

Delilah smiles at her godfather.

Delilah: I miss you!
Mark: I know.

Meanwhile in the real world, we see Maggie with Winston, Amelia, Link and Michael watching the kids dance in the backyard.

Maggie: the kids loved Andrew. He used to play his guitar for them and teach them songs in Italian.
Amelia: he brought gelato to every birthday.
Link: and every half-birthday. Which all of these kids now think is an actual thing.
Winston: I'm just so sorry. For all of you.
Michael: me too. I can't imagine how devastated mom is gonna be when she finds out. I didn't really know the guy that well, but mom really cared for him.
Zola: aunt Maggie, it's your turn!
Maggie: okay Zozo. I'll be there.

Winston decided to step in.

Winston: know what? I think this crowd could benefit from some new East Coast moves. Ndugu moves. What do you say Zola? Gimme a shot?
Zola: yeah!

Winston steps in and starts dancing with the kids. Maggie starts crying and to distract the kids more, Michael steps in and dances with the kids.


We see Scotty in Delilah's room holding his best friend's hand.

Scotty: no pressure here, but I really need you to fight this Elle. You're my best friend. I've known you since we were two years old. You don't get to leave me. That's not allowed. We all need you Elle. Come on.

Just then, Leon comes into the room with Jackson.

Leon: you ready for this?
Jackson: yes.
Scotty: I'll leave you be.

Scotty squeezes his best friend's hand.

Scotty: I love you.

Scotty lets out a shaky breath as he walks out of the room.

Leon: okay. I'm going to lighten her sedation, and then gradually turn down all of her settings. And if she tolerates it, then we'll move forward.

Jackson holds his wife's hand as Leon lightens her sedation and turns down her settings.

Meanwhile on the beach, Delilah and Mark were sitting side by side.

Mark: look at you. All grown up.
Delilah: I miss you.
Mark: I know kiddo. I'm proud of you, you know? You and Jackson are chiefs of Plastics. And you're the chief of trauma and Neuro, like I always knew you would.

Stole My Heart ❤️ {a Jackson Avery Love Story} (continued)Where stories live. Discover now