Chapter 256:

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Trigger warning: mentions of miscarriage

I stroll into work for the first time in a while with a smile on my face for the first time in a while because today is Mer's first day back and I'm so happy to have my best friend back. I walk into the elevator and I smile when I see Mer smiling at me.

Delilah: good morning Dr. Grey.
Meredith: morning.

I pull Mer into a big hug.

Delilah: welcome back.
Meredith: thanks. You're coming back too?

After Joey's death, I took some time off work to grieve. Now that Mer was back to work, I figured I'd come back. Call me co-dependent, but since Mer is back at work, I'll feel a lot better being at work.

Delilah: yeah. It's time that I come back. And as long as I have you, I'll be fine.

Then, Mer and I get a text from Cristina in our group chat.

Twisted Sisters 😂💖

My #1 Cardio God 🫀❤️: did you guys get the package yet?

I look at my phone confused.

Delilah: did you get a package at the house this morning?
Meredith: no. You?
Delilah: no.

Mer Bear 🧸💕: haven't found a package.

Me: neither have I.

Maggie: you're back. You're both back.

I turn around and see Maggie beside me.

Meredith: hey. You're back. Are you still drunk?

The night of Mer's hearing, Mer told me that Maggie and Dylan had some drunken moment which surprised me 'cause I'm pretty sure he's with Vic.

Maggie: no.
Delilah: are you nervous?
Maggie: no. Are you?
Meredith: I was, but I snuck in and did two lap choles before breakfast, so...

We get another text from Cristina.

My #1 Cardio God 🫀❤️: look harder. I have surgery. Bye. Love you baby Shepherd ❤️ glad you're back at work ☺️

Mer Bear 🧸💕: wow, glad to know who the favourite is.

Me: I've always been Cristina's favourite Mer, I thought you knew this.

Meredith: I am literally standing next to you.
Delilah: I know.

Maggie chuckles at me as Amy joins us.

Amy: welcome back.
Meredith: hey. Have either of you seen a package at the house?
Maggie: what package?
Meredith: Cristina was sending something– you know, "congratulations on not becoming a drifter slash getting dumped by a resident" present– but I don't know where it is.
Delilah: mine is more of a "you're sad so here's a present to cheer you up while you mourn your dead brother" present.
Amy: ooh. Maybe it's a stripper.
Meredith: what is wrong with you?
Amy: sorry. Hormones.
Delilah: well, knowing her, it's probably a cadaver.
Meredith: that's true.

We walk into the lobby and we see all the interns gathered around the nurses station.

Interns: welcome back Dr. Grey!

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