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"What first on the list? " Ben asked.

"3 boxes of crayons- Crayola preferred." Miranda read. "God I can't believe I'm doing this."

"Doing what?" Ben asked confused.

"Getting things for my baby's kindergarten year." Miranda whined.

"Time moves fast doesn’t it." Ben stated.

"Yes, it dose. It really seems like yesterday he was just learning how to walk." Miranda huffed as they turned on the supply aisle.

Ben grabbed the crayons, glue stick, blunt scissors, block erasers, big pencils, dry erase board and markers, pencil box and anything else she called off the list before they moved to get the tissues, hand sanitizer, wipes, Lysol and all the other stuff his teacher asked for.

"Dinosaur book bag or cars." Miranda asked holding both up.

"Um I say get both. He likes both. Let him choose." Ben replied.

"You're right, good Idea." Miranda said throwing it in the cart.
"I hope he likes kindergarten." Miranda thought as they walked through Walmart grocery shopping as well.

"He will." Ben said rubbing her back.

Ben walked in line and started taking the food and setting it on the belt "Oh shoot I forgot to get zip lock baggies. I'm going to get that and be right back." Miranda told him as she walked off fast. Looking at the person a head of them who was almost done.

Ben continued putting things on the belt. Separating the school supplies, from the food and cleaning products.

"Did you find everything you were looking for?" The woman asked behind the register.

"I did thanks for asking." Ben smiled.

"You have children?" The lady asked as she rung the items up.

"Yes, I do. A son." Ben told her and she smiled.

"I thought so, aside from the school supplies, I figured any woman would give you babies. I would." The woman blushed.

"Yeah, and he also has a wife that comes along with the son he has." Miranda said sternly putting the zip lock bags down on the belt eyeing Ben and then the woman again.

Ben began to place the bags in the cart before paying for the items. They rode back home silently and Miranda looked out of the window.

Ben kept looking in her direction before back at the rode. He parked in the driveway of the house and was coming around to open Miranda's car door, but she beat him to it and got out opening the trunk.

They brought everything inside and began putting up groceries, leaving Tuck's school stuff on the counter.

"You want to still go out and get him clothes." Ben questioned looking at her.

"Yup we can do that." She answered dryly.

"Miranda what's the matter?"

"There is nothing wrong with me Ben." Miranda responded plainly.

"I can clearly tell that there is." Ben replied.

"But I clearly told you it wasn't and that's it. If you want there to be something wrong, go on and keep asking me and then there will be." Miranda snapped grabbing her purse and walking to the door.

Ben clicked his teeth and followed behind her to the door. He drove them to the mall and still yet again Miranda opened her own car door.

The camera crew was behind them as they walked. Miranda walked inside the children's place and she looked around at the cute shirts and pants on display. Ben did as well. He picked out shirts, pants, cargo shorts and things that he thought were nice.

"Do you like this?" Miranda asked holding up a blue button-down shirt with white polka dots and tan shorts.

"Yeah, that looks good." Ben responded looking.

Miranda laid it across the basket and then they began to look at shoes. "We need to get him sneakers too." Miranda said and Ben nodded.

"We can look in footlocker for those." Ben told her and they walked around the mall until they were done.

"I want to go in here." Miranda said looking at the bra and panties store.

"Okay." Ben said as he followed her inside. Ben immediately looked at the camera men to tell them that they weren't need for this part but before he could they already were turning in the other direction in understanding.

Ben walked behind Miranda as she looked through items. "You know Gabby was saying that our ratings are going to be the highest."

"Who?" Miranda questioned, squinting her eyes as she turned slowly to look at him.

"Gabby."  He said plainly and Miranda still stared.

"The camera woman." Ben said confused too.

"Her name is Gabrielle and that's what you should call her." Miranda said pursing her lips together.

"I'm only doing what she asked. She said to call her Gabby." Ben said and Miranda stood staring with her hand on her hip.

"When did she even tell you that? We are always together when she is there. How did you all get on nickname bases." Miranda huffed turning on her heel irritated.

"Why are you being crazy about this Miranda?" Ben questioned seriously.

"I'm not being crazy about anything Ben. I'm just asking how was that even possible... you know what let's not. I'm not arguing with you in a store."

"There shouldn't even be nothing to argue about." Ben countered and he watched as she picked up a yellow set and orange and he knew that it would look great against her skin.

Leaving out of the store Ben drove them home. Miranda got out and she helped bring the bags in.

She went into the Tucks room and hung his clothes up and placed his shoes together before going down stairs to pack his book bag and stuff.

She looked up as the door bell rung and she walked to go get it.

"Hey." Miranda said to Tucker before looking at Tuck.

"Hey honey." Miranda chimed as he walked in.

"Alright Tucker. He shall see you on Friday." Miranda smiled.

"Alright I will pick him up from school. Have him call me tomorrow to see how was his first day." Tucker said and Miranda nodded.

"Bye Tuck."

"Bye daddy." He replied and then turned on his feet.
"Ben." Tuck called out looking for him.

Miranda watched as Tucker clicked his teeth before backing away from the door.

"Hey buddy." Ben said coming off the stairs.

"I'm going to take him with me to get a hair cut." Ben told Miranda and she nodded.

Miranda busied herself cleaning and making Tuck's lunch for the week. She then began to make their dinner.

"Hey we are all done." Ben said coming into the house with Tuck.

"Well don't you look handsome." Miranda cheesed looking at Tuck. She looked over at Ben features too. His beard trim and the hair cut made him look even more sexy.

They ate dinner and Miranda helped Tuck with his shower.

She sat in the bathroom and let him shower but talked him through what he should be cleaning.

"Wash behind your ears and neck." Miranda coached. She wanted him to be independent but also cleaning thoroughly.

After his shower was complete. He brushed his teeth and used a separate wash cloth to wash his face before getting dress to get into bed.

"Alright I will see you bright and early for breakfast before your big day." Miranda said kissing his head before walking out.

Miranda walked into her bedroom and Ben was coming out of the bathroom with his pajama pants on.

She walked past him and into the bathroom to shower. After showering, she brushed her teeth, and washed her face before climbing into bed.

Ben hated that they had been silent most of the day but he really didn't understand what was wrong.

"I'm sorry about today, Miranda." Ben apologized.

"Let's just leave it Ben."

"No, we are not going to just leave it." Ben said frustrated, before he knew it, he was sitting up and had Miranda flat on the bed as he looked down at her from above her body.

"What did I do?" Ben asked.

"It's not you Ben. You didn't do anything. It's these women." Miranda said softly as she looked into his eyes.

"Miranda I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable. I didn't know that calling her by her nickname would upset you or the lady at the store.  I was just answering her questions."

"I know Benjamin that's why I was just annoyed. I can see the way other people look at you and I guess because this relationship is still so new and even though we are married we are still in the early stage and anything could happen. I really like you though." Miranda pouted.

"I really like you too." Ben told her earnestly.

"Good and I like the way you make me feel. So, I don't want that to go away nor do I want other women to get butterflies but I guess that's normal." Miranda said smiling "because you look sexy as hell all the time. It's like even just your persona is." Miranda said biting her lip.

Ben chuckled and leaned down to kiss her. Miranda sighed and kissed him back passionately. She pulled him down to get off of his hands, putting his weight on her.

"I like the way you make me feel too and trust me you have men staring at you all the time. I mean all the time. You have sexy radiating off of you too." Ben said kissing her lips again.

"And I guess I've been a little cranky because my baby is going to kindergarten tomorrow and I just don't know how to feel about that." Miranda admitted rubbing her hands on Ben's chest.

"You should be proud that he is at this point in his life and is well prepared you did an excellent job and you still have so many more years where he will need you tremendously. Hell, even when I got good and grown I still called my mother about everything." Ben encouraged.

The next morning Ben rolled over to find that Miranda was out of bed. He looked at the time and saw they still had well over three hours before they had to get ready for work.

Ben got up and looked around for her. He went to Tuck's room and there she was, sitting in the chair in his room looking at him.

Ben smiled because she was an excellent mother. "Good morning." Miranda said looking up at Ben.

"Good morning. You wanna make breakfast with me." Ben asked and Miranda nodded.

"Give me five minutes and I will be down." Miranda said sheepishly.

Ben and Miranda cooked breakfast together. When it was finished, she walked to wake Tuck up and they all ate together.

Miranda went and changed into jeans and a blouse. She walked into the bathroom to see both Ben and Tuck brushing their hair in the mirror and it was so cute.

"Are you excited?" Miranda exclaimed.

"Uh huh." Tuck cheered.

Miranda grabbed his book bag and lunch box. Ben grabbed her work bag and put it into her car.

"I'll see you later today." Miranda told Ben kissing him on his cheek.

Miranda walked with Tuck inside his school and she walked him to his class room.

"Hi Mrs. Barnes. This is William." Tuck waved at the teacher and then let go of Miranda's hand and just walked inside. She watched dismayed at him as he picked up a car and sat down.  "Uh." Miranda gasped tears welding in her eyes.

Miranda handed the teacher his lunch box and book bag and she turned to walk down the hall.

She couldn't help but to let her tears fall. Miranda sat in her car for over five minutes crying before she started on her way to work.

Her phone rung and she pulled up and parked in her parking spot.

"Hey how was it?" Ben asked.

"It was- Miranda started.

"Are you crying?" Ben asked concerned.
"Uh yeah, it's no big deal I-"

"Where are you?" Ben asked.

"I just pulled up at work."

"Okay. I'm coming."

"No Ben, you don't have to it's fine."

"I'm already heading that way." Ben said hanging up.

Miranda clicked her teeth but had to admit it was a sweet gesture.

Ben pulled up beside her car and he got out and went around to her passenger door, getting inside.

"He just walked right in. He didn't say bye or anything. He saw a toy he liked, picked it up and sat down. Now what kind of shit is that." Miranda cried.

Ben looked at her tears and he reached out and wiped them. "Come here." Ben said softly.


"Come here." Ben said patting his lap.

Miranda took her seatbelt off and she climbed over to his side, bending her legs at her knees. On either side of him. Ben put his hands on her back and rubbed consoley.

"Everything is going to be okay. Now that he let go of your hand and you got your hand back it's time to focus on something. What is something you want to cure or take an interest in. Maybe more innovative research or something." Ben said and Miranda sat up to look at him thinking.

"You're right." She admitted.

"Exactly. He let go of your hand but he is still there and he loves you so much." Ben encouraged.

"I honestly don't know what I would ever do without you. You make me feel grounded. I didn't know I needed you until I had you." Miranda expressed as she kissed his lips.

"You ready to go tackle work?" Ben asked.

"Not yet, give me 10 minutes of this." Miranda answered and put her face back into his neck.

"Oh I forgot to ask? If I'm not finish with my last surgery on time. Could you pick Tuck up. I added you to his parent list and they won't have after school care set up until next week." Miranda asked.

"Yeah sure, of course. How about I just pick him up anyway that way you won't feel rushed. I get off work at 2 anyway. " Ben said and Miranda smiled.

"Okay great."

Ben got off of work and he drove to Tuck's school. He had his yellow card that was identical to Tuck's and he stood waiting for him.

"Ben." Tuck called out.

"Hey." Ben said smiling as Tuck hugged him.

"Did you have a good day?" Ben asked enthusiastically.

"Yes, I did and we had recess and lunch and rug time." Tuck said and Ben smiled as he opened the door for him to get in the car.

Ben drove to the store and him and Tuck walked around picking up a few things they forgot to grab yesterday. Ben walked pass the flower section and he looked at the magenta roses and he picked them up for Miranda.

In the car on the way home. Ben talked with Tuck about school. He was glad that he enjoyed it.

He saw Miranda's car in the driveway and he looked back at Tuck.

"Did you miss your mom today?"

"Yes." Tuck answered.

"You should tell her that when you walk inside. She would love to hear that and why don't you give her the flowers we got." Ben encouraged and Tuck shook his head agreeing.

They got out of the car and Ben grabbed the bags handing Tuck the flowers.

"Is that my two favorite guys." Miranda chimed as the front door opened.

"Mommy I missed you." Tuck burst out.

"Oh my goodness. I missed you too." Miranda exclaimed coming around the corner.

Tuck handed Miranda the flowers and Ben watched smiling as tears came out of her eyes as she hugged him.

"Here go sit your book bag down in the living room. Your tablet is in there too. " Miranda said and she watched as he walked before turning to Ben.

"Thank you for the flowers babe." Miranda said dreamy as she reached out and pulled him into a hug standing on her toes. Pecking his lips.

"No problem." Ben smiled hard.

"What?" Miranda asked looking at his sappy smile.

"You called me babe." Ben said simply.

"So I take it you like the term of endearments." Miranda cheesed.

"Yeah I really do." Ben smiled and pecked her lips again.

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