Monsters University animation movie

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Sven and I watched the animation movie Monsters University this morning. (And I'll certainly watch Monsters, Inc. as well.) It isn't just a fun movie to watch but there are tons of life lessons in the movie.

I love how persistent and determined Mike is to achieve his ambition to be a 'scarer' despite how small he is. He is so confident and has a lot of faith in himself despite how the other monsters look down on him. He might not be scary but he's absolutely a clever one. There are lots of instances that he got discouraged but he always finds them as his inspiration to go on.

And and and.... we all have strengths in us that we should focus on and work on the weaknesses rather than get discouraged.

I think I might write an essay for all the lessons! Hmmmm I miss writing essays!

Yuchae Moon

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