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Accentism is everywhere! Most Filipinos believe that accent and grammar don't matter in America, that Americans will understand what you say and won't make fun of you! Uh uh, some of them can't understand you and will make fun of your accent! Some of them are accentists! You might receive compliments from certain people about your accent and the way you speak here, but others might ridicule you for your accent and the way you speak at some point. That's normal!

Most Filipinos also believe that Americans have the same accents. Uh uh, nope they don't have. They have different accents but they still speak English. Foreigners who aren't that exposed to the language might find it difficult to comprehend some of the accents. I noticed that some Americans point out accents sometimes, even to Americans who have different accents. So, it's quite normal for them here.

So if you already get ridiculed for your accent in the Philippines (Most Filipinos are grammar nazis as well and they are fond of laughing at someone's accent too), expect that wherever you will go (foreign countries) you would still get laughed at. The only thing I can advise you is to keep in mind that you can speak two or more languages (bilingual or multi-lingual) than the people who ridicule you. It only means that you are greater than they are in speaking languages! 🥰

I have a heavy Bisaya accent and never in my entire life did I learn how to sound like an American. Hilasan ko! So, working as a call center agent will never work for me cos I don't have plans to upgrade my accent. I am what I am. 😁 Yes, I do watch Hollywood movies and it's one of the reasons for my English improvement but I never studied the accent. I'm contented with the idea that I can comprehend English and converse in English. I can say that I'm good at spelling. ✌ Accent doesn't matter to me.

Speaking of accents, I had a friend before who asked me how on Earth did I understand what a certain Korean person was saying. She spoke broken English but I understood what she tried to convey. See? An accent isn't everything.

Next time someone ridicules you, remember Project Nightfall and his unpleasant experiences. You are not alone! ☺

Yuchae Moon

Unheard Voice and Unexpressed Feelings [2020-2021]Where stories live. Discover now