Forgotten stuff in second-hand books

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Something fell off the book while I was reading it. I looked at it, put it away and continued reading. I just finished reading the book and remembered the ticket. I inspected it closely and was surprised when I read the date. This ticket is almost 25 years old as its expiration stated 10/6/96. I couldn't believe it. As you can see the ticket doesn't look ancient. I got curious about Jason's Woods and when it started to open. I found out that they started in 1993. But, I'm still baffled by the ticket's appearance. It doesn't look old. I'm certain a handful of people have read the book. Someone might use it as a bookmarker. I dunno. A girl gave this book to me (this is just one of the numerous books she gave) after 2 weeks of arriving in America in 2019.

I haven't looked up the person's information online. I doubt if I can find any information. I'll just leave it that way. 😊 I might change my mind and look her up on Facebook and message her. 😁

Yuchae Moon

Yuchae Moon

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