Part 1 : Riddles

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Disclaimer; I (obviously) didn't make these up, so don't get offended with any bad ones.

What comes up but never goes down?

Your age

The blue man lives in a blue house the pink lives in the pink house the yellow man lives in the yellow house. Who lives in the white house?

The president.

2 sons and 2 fathers went fishing. Each one caught a fish and then they went home. How is it that they caught 3 fish?

The group consisted a grandfather ( the father. ) A father ( the son of the grandfather and the father of a son. )and a son ( The son of the father. ) 

What's round on the sides and is high in the middle?


What starts with P and ends in E and has more than 1000 letters?

The post office.

I have a neck but no head. What am I.

A bottle

When I'm young I'm tall and when I'm old I'm short. What am I

A candle

How can a pants pocket be empty but still have something in it.

You can have a hole in it.

What is the longest word in the dictionary.

Smiles because there's a mile between all s'.

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