Episode I - Yoo Hobin (Good Boy)

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A pretty boy sat under a big tree, keeping himself cool from the hot sun. He was enjoying scrolling his phone when his friend came to him with the cold drinks on both hands.

"What cha reading."

M/N scooted over a little, provided a room for his friend to escape from the heat.

"Hmm... It's Viral Hit, it's on trending right now."

Taking a coke can from his friend, M/N pulled the ring with one hand without breaking his eyes from the screen.

"Ahh.. Viral Hit. My sister has been obsessing with this webtoon recently. She keeps simping on how handsome the characters are, especially the.... What does he call again."

He scratched his head while recalling the name of that character his sister would always fangirling on, squeaking in full excitement while rolling on the bed shyly.

"You mean Taehoon huh?"

Taking a small sip, M/N replied in monotone. He knew the answers since the readers would always make a big ruckus and occupied most of the space in the comment section whenever this character appeared and helped the protagonist in time.

"Oh yeah, it's him. Girls nowadays, only emphasized on the males' look. I can't stand lookism~"


".... Hey, do you really love this webtoon so much that you have to ignore your best friend?"

He started to whined and made a girly small pout trying to be cute to the teenager who was maintaining the stoic face all the time, even nuzzled his spikey red hair into M/N's neck.

"Fuck off."

"Okay fine."

The conversation ended followed by a deep silence, only rustling sound from the dry leaves that were fell from the trees could be heard. M/N was busying catching up with the webtoon since he had missed a few chapters despite working hard on his studies. He had to read them all before the immoral readers posted the spoiler out there. They always caught him off guard.

"Then, who's your favorite character."

His friend was too talkative that M/N started to doubt his decision on befriending with him. Couldn't he just leave him alone? M/N was desired to achieve his goal on reading them all in a day!



Frankly, that was not true. M/N's most favorite characters were both Seong Taehoon and Kim Munseong, the major characters in the Webtoon, which greatly helped the protagonist growing in fighting.

For Seong Taehoon, he had to admit that the author created him into a stunning and a badass character, of course and some Tsundere vibe. His character development from a bad people in the beginning to the main character's powerful henchman was somehow favored by the readers including M/N. Moreover, Taehoon would transform into a black knight whenever the main character encountered something terrible, giving him a full protection. What a good bromance.

As for Munseong, M/N found that this character was somehow cute despite his body build. His one sided love to his crush was truly amazing and heartache at the same time. M/N felt sad for him.

Sometimes M/N will think, how fun would it be if he could meet those characters. Went through the chilling journey together, maybe even dating one of the characters from there. Anyway, it would be a good experience for him.

If M/N had knew that his spoken words became reality, he would never have that thought from the start.

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