Episode IV ~ A New Skill!? (It's a scam, bro)

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Trust me.

This is a real chapter.



Not? 🌚


The trust issue man~

*Knock Knock

"Dong Hae-aah, come out and eat your dinner."

The boy's hands stopped knocking on the solid wood wooden door, the barrier that cut him from getting closer to his own younger brother. Lowered his hand down in downhearted, the silver haired boy slowly walked towards the small round table, two empty chairs, with two bowls of hot spaghetti that were served from the microwave. He took one of them before staring back at the door which was tightly shut, he knew his brother would come out after he left. Sorrow walked in him as he returned to his own personal room.

He knew Dong Hae was still holding a grudge against him.

He could never clear the misunderstanding off.

Landed the bowl on the desk, M/N took his phone out from the pocket. His eyes went big from the droopy state, sad lips lifted up with enlightened as he saw a new notification from the Webtoon. It must be his favorite comic since he only subscribed to that one.


"Ahhh, how can it be like this!"

M/N never thought that he would drop a single tears by reading a Webtoon. His hand paused at the scene where the character's father was stabbed with a knife on the chest by him, blood was coughed out from his mouth. The murderer mourned for his Father's death, where he was sent to kill the man by the Yakuza's leader. He never thought the traitor was his father. He killed his own father.

"I really have love hate relationship with Park Taejun huh!"

Endured the tears, he had finally finishing scrolling to the bottom of the chapter. The once villain that M/N hated the most, became the unfortune man he pitied on. What a plot twist. Every antagonist the author made would let the readers turned their hatred to sympathy, he successfully created every characters even a minor one into vivid and lively, which M/N loved and respected the most.

M/N understood this character would face his death since it was the author's laws on making the character dead whenever he released a tragic backstory for the readers. This was his style.

Even though some of the readers still remained dislike feelings towards this character, but M/N couldn't. He couldn't hate him anymore. The character wasn't suppose to die, he should be a help of the protagonists in fighting back with the biggest villain in the Webtoon.

If can, M/N would really please to see them working together and exposed the real boss, Lee Jinho.





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