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They say the first meetings are where you have to be presentable and nice.  I think that's a load of bullshit, I be real with them if they don't like it so be it. Many people act fake on the first meet so I push their buttons to see how they really are. Most times it isn't pretty, they all are snobby brats and the ones at the academy I'm going to are gonna be a whole lot worse.

I reached the place and saw other witches "I heard they were gonna let in a normie and a boy!" They snickered "I bet the normie can't even ride a broom" another said, I heard someone turn around right behind me. I turned my head "hi." I said plainly "hi" she said turning around awkwardly "don't act so awkward you'll draw their attention to us" I said rolling my eyes "ok, I'm Akko! I'm new.." she said holding out her hand "I'm y/n also new." I said before I heard one of the other girls shout "HEY ARE YOU GUYS EVEN LISTENING?!" I turned around "no." I said confused "the ceremony is about to start whoever is late gets banned from attending the academy forever. Better hurry!" They said laughing as they got on their brooms said the spell and went through the portal "oh no we're gonna be late!" Akko panicked "didn't the school give you your broom before?" I asked looking at her "nope! And I don't even know how to ride one!" She panicked more "idiot." I said getting in my broom. She looked at me sad "are you gonna get on or what?" I said, all of a sudden she was happy and excited. After she got on I said the spell. Right before we went through the portal we saw two other witches, Akko got off and greeted them as I did a few tricks inside the tower thingy.

After the girl named lotte went we went. But then Akko dropped her stuff on the other girls and then made us all fall somewhere else.

"Dammit Akko! We're gonna be late.." I said brushing myself off and looking at the others "sucy don't try anything stupid." I said seeing her pick up some mushrooms "how are we gonna get back?!" Akko shouted "hey guys over here! Step in the middle" Sucy snickered-

Time skip

Akko has some weird wand that supposedly belonged to shiny chariot, and she recited a spell. All that I remember after that was us being in the academy right before the ceremony started and Akko celebrating.

After we got our dorms I asked the teacher "are there any boys in the school?" Because I haven't seen any around but girls wich was why I was curious "hehe well you see your the only boy.." she said and that made my heart drop "but hey at least you can get a girlfriend easily" I stood there awkward "oh, your into guys aren't you" she face palmed "I'm gonna take my leave" she said shutting the door.

After a while I sat at the desk and studied the books before heading to class. The first teacher asked us the decipher some words, me and another kid raised our hands at the same time "decipher them in unison." The teacher said glaring at me. We both did accordingly and got it right. All the other teachers were boring considering I learned all of this when I was 4. The girl I deciphered the code with sat next to me "how'd you guys decipher the code?" Akko asked "learned that when I was 4" we said in unison. I looked at her and smiled "y/n." She looked at me with a smile "Diana" after the introduction we went back to our work.

Lunchtime rolled around and already two girls were pulling on my arms and segueing "Diana please get these simps under control" I muttered as they shouted stuff like "he's mine!" "No mine" "he likes girls with longer hair!" "No he likes guys with shorter!" "Oh yeah? at least my nose doesn't look like a typical witch nose!" "Take that back!" "No! He likes me!" "No he doesn't! He likes me!" "He likes girl-" I cut her off "you guys aren't my type." I pulled my hands away from them. I rubbed my arms as they ran over to me "what's your type?" With sinister looks "none of you guys are my type" I laughed nervously "why not?!" They both asked "well if you were a ʙᴏʏ then I'd like you" I said kinda quietly "what did you say?" "Speak louder!" They shouted "girls! Get away from y/n!" Diana said walking over. Of course like puppies they followed.

After a few days of being inside the school and being inside of some crazy adventures with the other three and sometimes Diana I think I'd actually like it here.

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