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"Oh yeah, he's your guys other dorm mate!" Ursula said before leaving "alright so you guys pick your beds and decorate?" I said unsure.

An hour went by and I had to help them decorate. We were all done so I got on top of my bed, right as I grabbed a book I heard Andrew turning and mumbling. I got down and got on top of Andrew's bed "hey Andrew?" I called slightly shaking him. He groaned and turned over facing away from me "hey Andrew" I whisper yelled he turned over again. I sighed "an-" just then I felt something push me down I closed my eyes and braced for impact 'what the fuck?' I thought feeling warmth and softness instead of the cold floor. I opened my eyes to only be met with Andrew's green ones "what are you doing?" He questioned "well I tried to wake you up but then you-" I tried to explain "yes I know that. Why were you trying to wake me up?" He asked "well you were tossing, turning, groaning and I wanted to make sure your alright..?" I said. He gave out a little laugh "awww were you scared of the dark?" He said knowing fully well that's not the reason "what? No!" I said crossing my arms "mhmm" he hummed while laughing "your mean, I'm going to bed." I said getting up "wait" he said "what?" I asked "lay back down" he said in a friendly tone "why?" I questioned "I'm gonna tell you something" after he said that I slowly laid down "what do you need to tell me?" I asked genuinely and concerned "nothing just wanted to trap you." He said in a casual voice "what do you- ah!" I yelled as he grabbed me and pulled me into his chest "you mother fucker!" I shouted but it was muffled. He laughed "what's so funny?!" I asked kinda angry "it's funny at how easily you get frustrated" he laughed again "you are so mean!" I said angrily "see!" He laughed more. Once he lifted his arm for my back I stayed like that "so your gonna be all angry one moment but as soon as I move my arm your suddenly all comfy there?" He questioned confused I lifted my head out of his chest "yep" I said before going back to the warm chest "oh my god" he said annoyed. I stayed like that for five minutes before he grabbed me and put me where we could see each other's faces but not exactly straight across more like diagonal. I smiled at him before slowly drifting off to sleep.

Next day

When I woke up no one was there. I quickly got changed grabbed my wand and other stuff before remembering it's the weekend. I just had my wand on my belt, I walked through the halls before I saw two professors looking around. One of them pointed at me and they ran to me "what's going on? Am I in trouble?" I asked "no, we just need you to go to the head mistresses office." One said as they escorted me there. I didn't question it any further just walked with them. Once we made it there I saw Andrew, his dad, head mistress, and other professors. I felt nervous especially when Andrew winked at me "so y/n you must be wondering why your here.. we want you to guard Andrew on his special day. He will be able to go home for the night and you'll have to guard him. Since we need full hands over here and you both seem so close" she said smiling "oh, uh sure" I said looking at Andrew, he smiled and his dad was celebrating "so when do we leave?" I asked "oh we're leaving-" Andrew checked the time "right now" he said smiling and taking my hand.

We walked outside and into a car "how exactly do you guys get here?" I asked "oh there's usually a portal with a road in between Luna Nova and our house." Andrew's dad explained before shutting the window to the adults seats. This car was a long one, I couldn't even hear the adults talking. After 15 minutes Andrew's friends got inside the car "oh? Who's this?" One asked getting closer "his name is y/n, my guard" Andrew said putting his hand on my thigh "ohh~ so your royalty now" one teased "he is. He is my Prince" I said grinning "ohhhh!" Three said in unison the other one just kept looking at Andrew's hand and then me "are you two dating?" He asked, I looked at Andrew through the corner of my eye "no, we are not. He's here for my protection" Andrew stated "well then I guess you'd better use protection on him too" one said. I felt like I was gonna explode from that "awe look he's red!" One said pointing at me, they all looked at me 'god smite me now' I thought turning to face away.

Once we arrived at Andrew's house everyone got out the car, I got out after Andrew he put his arm over my shoulder and pushed me closer to him "so are you guys sure you ain't dating?" The same one that said to use protection asked "we are sure we aren't." Andrew said glaring at him "well we still haven't heard from the cute guard" he said gesturing to me "whatever Andrew says, goes." I glared at him.

Once the party started a bunch of guests flooded the mansion, I saw Diana and a few other classmates "hey, about earlier-" Andrew started "you don't need to explain yourself" I said with a hint of anger "alright but-" this time he got cut off by his dad "I'd like to celebrate my son's special day with him making new friends meeting old and celebrating with business partners and family." After everyone clapped and cheered. Akko Lotte and Sucy were here as well but they looked freaked out. I walked down to them "is something wrong?" I asked "well we besought a love bee in the party and uh it kinda escaped its jar?" Akko said explaining it the best she can't without getting yelled at "it's alright we just gotta catch it before it stings anyone" I said looking around, I spot it right before it stung us I grabbed grabbed Akko's head and we both ducked "ow!" She said "oh shut up it was gonna sting you." I said looking for it.

I walked back up the stairs looking for it before I knew it almost everyone was kissing someone else "uh- what's going on?" Andrew asked "well A-" before I could explain Andrew flinched "ow." I turned to him "are you okay?" I asked checking his body to make sure he didn't cut himself "it doesn't look like you cut yourself? What's wrong?" I asked looking at him straight in his eyes. He looked dead for a minute before he grabbed my hand and ran down a hall "Andrew? What's wrong? Did you see something?" I questioned "I did see something. It was beautiful." He said stopping and looking around "really? Where'd it go?" I asked. He turned around and pinned me to the wall "right here." He said smirking "what? Wait.. Andrew?" I looking around only to see the bee getting closer "ehh, Andrew we better go" I said trying to push him off "why? You scared?" He asked in a weird tone one I didn't recognize "no because of the fucking bee" I said trying harder to push him off "the bee isn't gonna do anything sweetheart" he said grabbing my hands and pinning them to the wall. When the bee got closer he squished it "there happy now sweetie?" He asked 'if that was a normal bee then where is the love bee?' I thought before I felt hot breath on my neck, it sent shivers down my spine.

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