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As his hot breath hit my neck I shivered "y/n!" Akko called out "Andrew. We have to go help the others." I said continuing to try to punch him off me "hmm.. but what if I don't want you to?" He said smirking against my neck 'these stupid bees.' I thought as I felt his lips graze my neck, I could feel my heartbeat quicken and my legs grow weak. He stopped and pulled his head back before letting me go "y/n I am so sorry!" He said "your fine. It was those stupid bees." I said rubbing my neck as it was still warm "your face is pink" he said with a smile as he chuckled "oh.. I should go help the others" I said quickly walking away.

Once I found Akko Diana was all over her "how many are left?" I asked "just one but I can't find it! The last I saw it went outside.." she said sad "it's alright I'll go find it and kill it" I said looking at Diana "I just hope she doesn't do anything weird like how Andrew did" I nervously laughed before running outside, there were only a few people there who were normal compared to the others. Soon everyone outside was affected, the bee was leaving its stupid trail and going back inside. I ran after it, I ended up in a room full of pictures.. I looked around for the bee only to find pictures of Andrews family and one of his mom it was bigger than the others "I shouldn't have seen this." I muttered smacking the Bee with a fly swatter, I scooped up the dead corpse of the bee and walked out to see Akko and Diana along with the others normal again "I got it!" I said showing Akko the bees Corpse "why'd you bring it with you?" Akko asked "I killed it in a room full of pictures.. it felt disrespectful to leave it in there." I said before Andrew came into the room "you! Witches!" Andrews dad shouted at us "you did this!" I glared at him "let's go." I said walking for the door "wait! Akko and her friends were helping." Andrew spoke up before I left, I turned around in surprise "how?" His dad asked "there was a bee problem. They helped" Andrew covered it up before looking at me and smiling. I smiled back before his dad groaned "I guess you guys can stay but only for a bit" the girls cheered as Akko grabbed my arm and pulled me into the crowd, before I lost her. It was so crowded they all felt like walls closing around me so I did what anyone else would've done, I waited for an opening and ran. After a minute of doing this I heard "y/n! Wait up!" I stopped and turned around only to be engulfed in a warm embrace, it felt so familiar and nice "Andrew?" I called "yeah?" I nervously laughed "how long were you following me through the crowd?" I asked "the whole time, I tried to catch you by surprise but that didn't work" he chuckled before he put his hand on my waist causing me to tense "did I scare you?" He asked laughing "just a little bit.." I answered truthfully "your a easy person to scare, did you know that?" "People have said that about me but I haven't believed it until now" I laughed as I put my hands on his shoulders "I'm sorry about what happened.. in the hall" he said pausing in between "it's completely fine Andrew" I said remembering what had happened "your redder than earlier" he spoke softly as he laughed 'he doesn't usually laugh this much.' I thought before he grabbed my hand and weaved through the crowd into a very quiet hall "this is a lot better" we both said in unison before sighing.

Andrew led me to his room shortly after. Once we were both in he closed the door "now it's peace and quiet" he said sitting down on his bed he took off his shoes and opened his arms with a smile, I took off my shoes and jumped onto him with a laugh causing us to land on the bed. I hugged Andrew while he kept his arms around my back and my waist, I smiled as I hurried my face in his chest as he laughed "your quiet the hugger" he said "that's just because your warm" I said half asleep "I'll be taking that as a complement" Andrew said as he put a blanket over us.

(I'm sorry it's kinda rushed love you guys <3)

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