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I finally had the chance to decorate my room! Considering we had a free day today. I put plants on the windowsill, my consoles on my desk (used a spell to retrieve them from home a while back), set up lights and put up black curtains, put down a rug and got all my plushies onto my bed. Most of which were either frog squish mellows or fantasy creatures with one cat squish mellow.

I hung up some tapestries of f/a (favorite anime and if you don't watch anime then a design you like or a show poster :]) after that I thought of other things I could do 'maybe I could use a spell on one of my vein plants so I could go around the room? OH! Or I could switch the lights with a little spell of little colored orb lights floating around!' I got excited until the door opened. I turned around startled "Mrs. Ursula!  You scared me!" I said putting my hand over my chest as I took deep breaths "well who did you think I was?" She asked, I could tell she was more comfortable with me and I felt the same way as if she was my mother. I laughed "probably that bitch professor" I stopped laughing as I saw someone behind her "I wouldn't call her, that. More like an aggressive a hole?" She said and I nodded "anyway, this is Andrew. His family doesn't like witches and we wouldn't want to put a bow with the girls so we thought he could have a dorm with another boy" she said as he walked in and looked around "if he doesn't like witches than why is he here?" I asked studying his features before he looked at me. I quickly looked away as I felt my face get hotter "his father and Luna Nova made a deal for him to stay here for a few weeks possibly months" she said pushing her glasses up "why months? Is he gonna be a student?" I questioned "for the time being, yes. He's here for his protection" Andrew dragged his finger across the desk "it's dusty here." I heard him say "alright you two have fun! But not too much fun!" She yelled wiggling her eyebrows as she closed the door. My face probably looked as red as a strawberry "what was that about?" Andrew asked standing next to me "oh uh- I have no idea" I lied looking as the wall opposite from my bed 'I got really lucky there was two bunk beds.. oh! And both the bottoms are desks?' I thought before Andrew kept yelling "HEY!" I quickly snapped back "huh? What?" I said confused "ugh, listen I need help "decorating" my side." He sighed looking at how bland it is "oh okay" I agreed. For the next hour and a half he gave me instructions and me moves some stuff I used some spells and then he hung up pictures of his mom right beside his pillow 'that's adorable, and she's very pretty' I smiled warmly "what are you smiling at?" He said "nothing" I replied still smiling "hey it's almost lunch time. In about 30 minutes I'll meet you down there." I said waving as I walked out in casual clothing.

Once I got to the cafeteria I saw everyone else wearing either pajamas or casual clothing, I could have sworn I was the only one with eye bags. I was alternating between Akko Lotte and Sucy and Diana, I got tired and almost fell sleep onto Akko's shoulder "hey, you okay y/n?" Lotte asked "uh yeah just tired from re-decorating and helping Andrew re-decorate" Akko immediately looked at me as if I said something unbelievable "what?" I asked "he's here?" She asked "uh yeah? Did I not just say that" I asked confused "no?" Sucy butted in "damn, must be really tired" I said running my eyes "y/n!" I head Diana yell my name. I groaned before I got up and walked over "yes?" I asked "can I kiss you?" One of the minions said "haha, I'm flattered but no" I said putting my hands on my hips "anyway-" Diana continued "I was wondering if you, me, Amanda, and Akko plus her friends would like to join me with practicing broom riding? You know acceleration and stuff" she asked "but aren't you already good at that?" I asked "yeah but it's like a bonding experience, for us to become better friends since me Amanda and Akko aren't on good terms. Plus this could be practice for Akko." Diana said in A tone. I agreed then walked back over to Akko and the others "Diana wants us to join her in practicing broom riding." I said putting my hands on the table. They all looked at one another "with who else?" Amanda asked "uhm.. me, you, Akko, Lotte, Sucy, Diana, probably the minions" I said yawning "alright but if this gets fishy I'm outa here" Amanda agreed than the others.

Andrew came down the stairs and immediately the minions started rushing to him, I grabbed out my wand and froze them right before they reached Andrew "wow~ protective of yo manz" Amanda whispered as the others laughed 'wait how did she know? How did she know?! I did not come out yet!' I gave her a confused and worried look "we all knew the first time we saw you" Akko said smirking "takes one to know one" Amanda said snickering "know one of what?" Akko questioned 'omg this girl dense as hell' I thought before breathing deeply in "a fruity pebble." As I said that Andrew spoke "a what now?" He ended up being right behind me "how much of that did you hear?" I questioned "just the fruity pebble part." He said with a sly smirk "you heard more than that" I face palmed "I just heard the conversation when Akko asked the question" I sighed in relief "awe man!" Sucy said bummed. We all chatted and laughed, once I heard Andrew laugh I felt like my brain just stopped "uh y/n?" Andrew called "what's up with him?" He asked "huh?" I questioned "anndd the fruits back" Amanda said making the others laugh.

When the time came fore the broom riding hangout Andrew decided to come along. Once we showed up we grabbed the brooms and said the spell slowing us to float, everyone else started practicing and hanging out when I noticed when Andrew was in the sky he broom would constantly tip him over and he's be wobbly. I laughed "dont just laugh! Help me!" He yelled as I came over "Andrew do this." I said showing him the position and how to move. Once he finally got the hang of it he zoomed to the others and around them.

The minion girls flew over to him and grabbed his arms "no! you guys aren't doing this with him." I said grabbing Andrew and going over to Diana "please control those girls, their fucking crazy" I said glaring at them as they giggled and squealed "I can't control them, they do what they want" Diana said glaring at them "bitches" we both said in unison "I never thought of you to be the type to cuss" I said giggling "yeah people don't see me to be the type to do a lot of things" Diana smiled as she stared at Akko "ooo~ someone's got a crush" I teased "we are just friends." She said crossing her arms "sure, sure." I said smirking "and it looks like you have the hots for the new guy" she said pointing at Andrew who was trying to get away from the girls "him? Pffft! Nah! We just met!" I said putting my hands up "weirdo" Diana said as she flew to Akko.

As the day came to an end we had to go to our dorms, I went to one of the fountains for a drink of water. After I finished drinking I turned around to see Andrew looking around lost "our dorms over here." I said pointing to the door next to the fountain. He walked over with a tiny hint of blush 'did I embarrass him?' I questioned entering the dorm. I climbed on top of my bed and crawled inside the blankets going to sleep.

I'm not that confident in this chapter than the other because when I wrote it, it didn't make much sense to me.
Sorry I'll try to make the next one better :]

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