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Sure me and Diana both came from wealthy family's and learned the same things but here's the problem. I have horrible memory, now I know what your thinking "y/n how are you supposed to remember your spells?" Or "how are you supposed to pass your classes" etc. I have multiple journals in my desk! They are very huge and are very heavy. I usually go over the things we are already learning before bed.

Luna Nova had to get new locker rooms so me and Andrew could use and there were stalls but instead of two there were three, I originally thought it was just in case if one broke because we were being too rough with a fight until I heard two teachers talking "when do you think he's gonna come?" One asked "they said theirs gonna be two new boys here tomorrow, four boys in Luna nova." She muttered. My eyes widened 'another boy?!' I was completely shocked with the new knowledge.

I kept on with my day trying to put my finger on why they would want another boy in the school. I accidentally bumped into Andrew "sorry Andrew, I wasn't looking where I was going" I said looking up at him 'wait, is this really how tall he is?!' I thought "it's fine." He said going back to talking with Diana. 'I'm around Akko's height so that means- DIANA AND ANDREW'S TALLER THAN ME?! THATS SO UNFAIR!' I thought as I walked down the hall. I turned to the right and immediately bumped into someone dropping my stuff this time "ah! I'm so sorry!" I said grabbing my stuff, they laughed "it's fine, what's a cute boy like you doing here anyway?" A boys voice echoed. I looked up only to be met with amber eyes cherry red hair pale skin and a piercing on the right of his lip "let me help you" he said as we both grabbed my stuff "thanks" I said with a tint of blush "no problem cutie" he said kissing my cheek and walking off 'I- wait what? Whyd he- wasn't he supposed to be here tomorrow? What's happening?' I was very confused before Akko yelled "OMG I SAW THAT! It was so cute!" She yelled "I wouldn't say that" I said embarrassed "what do you mean? That was literally straight out of a romantic movie! He helped you pick up your stuff and then said and I quote 'no problem cutie' and kissed your cheek!" She fan-girled as she dragged me down the hall to Diana "Diana! Guess what?!" She shouted "what Akko?" She asked as her and Andrew stopped talking "y/n just had a romantic moment!" She said smiling a bright smile "what do you mean by that?" Diana asked as Andrew looked curios "okay so, there's a new kid that was supposed to be here tomorrow but he arrived here today and y/n bumped into him dropping all of his stuff-" she stopped to catch a breath "and then he helped y/n pick his stuff up and y/n said 'thanks' then the boy said 'no problem cutie' and kissed y/n on the cheek!" Akko squeezed at the end "oh my" Diana put a hand over her mouth as Andrew looked angry and shocked "I gotta go" Andrew said. Before any of us could talk he was already gone "what do you think he's gonna do?" I asked "probably gonna tell the new kid to back off" Diana whispered to Akko both of them giggled "definitely not." I said laughing a bit, just as we stopped laughing we heard yelling and screaming. We all looked at each other than ran to the noise "Andrew and the new kid are fighting!" A girl screamed as we arrived. Right before the both of them could land another punch on each other I grabbed their fists "quit it you idiots!" I shouted before a teacher showed up she sighed "detention all of you!" She yelled.

Time skip

Apparently if we got detention from two different teachers it would cost all the way until curfew, the new kid already got detention from the bitch teacher so that means we all would be here until curfew. It was silence and to be honest I almost fell asleep "hey cutie?" The new kid asked poking my shoulder "hm?" I hummed turning my head "I need help with this" he said pointing at a question "oh so basically you can find that star right here and it's right by Orion's Belt" I explained pointing at it "oh thanks" he said writing it down. After I finished all of my homework I stood up and went to the back of the classroom sitting on the floor, a few minutes later Andrew sat by me and we started talking and laughing at stuff that happened in the past. Another 30 minutes and then the new kid came over we all started to talk but it seemed like they both were still on bad terms maybe as long as I sat between them they wouldn't physically fight.

An hour past and I got tired "so what do you want to do now?" Asked the new kid "uhm we could play a game?" Andrew suggested "alright, what game?" He asked "maybe we could play tic-tac-toe?" Andrew answered "uhh sure" he said as Andrew summoned a board and some play pieces during some rounds of the game they got bored and switched to chess halfway through that game I fell sleep on the new kids shoulder.

Andrews pov
(It might be short)

I made my move and he made his before we notice y/n was asleep on his shoulder, my eyes widened. he took notice of this and he stuck his tongue out and said "sucks to suck" I glared at him and put my fist up "ah ah ah! Wouldn't want to wake y/n up now would we?" He asked wearing a cocky smirk. I quickly made my move taking away his Queen he muttered something before taking his next turn "who's the sucker now?" I asked taking away his tower and trapping his king "how the hell did you win?" He asked as his eye twitched "because I'm actually smart, I'm perfect." He said smirking.


I slowly opened my eyes "you won because you used magic, you aren't perfect." The new kid spat out "what's happening?" I asked rubbing my eyes after lifting my head "nothing just me winning a chess game and the new kid getting mad" Andrew laughed "that's a little mean to laugh at him Andrew, some people just find it hard to see how they lost because they did all the calculations n stuff" I said yawning "plus it's just a game nothing to be getting braggy about" I said standing up and stretching. The door swung open "you guys can leave now." The professor said walking out and away quickly. I helped the new kid up and Andrew got up while I helped him "where your dorm?" I asked "oh it's dorm 69" (funny number tehe) he said smiling "that's the same dorm as us!" I said getting excited (not like that ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)) I quickly grabbed his hand and walked to our dorm Andrew got there a lot quicker than us, he seemed to be in a rush. Once I opened the door I saw my bed right by Andrew but on the wall (bunk bed with a desk at the bottom but like imagine them being bed frame against bed frame? Just a really long rectangle? And there's two more on the other side of the room.) "I guess this is our dorm?" The new kid said slightly confused "uhh- yeah" I said making sure none of my stuff was missing.

the others were shouting, As soon as they got loud I turned off the light and made a weird noise "what was that?" Andrew asked "I dunno!" The new kid said and then I grabbed the back of Andrews foot "OMG WTF" he shouted climbing onto his bed "WHAT?!" The new kid shouted doing the same "that thing just touched my fucking foot!" That made me lose it "y/n?!" They both shouted as I turned on the light "hehe- yup!" They both looked embarrassed because they both had pink cheeks "how dare you!" The new kid said dramatically "whatever drama king" I said laughing at the end right before he could say anything back at me the door opened 'again?!' I thought turning around "oh hey Ursula?" I said confused "the other new kid arrived early" she said as another boy came through the door, he looked intimidating. He walked over to me when I tell you this man was towering over me I mean by towering over me. About Andrew's and the new kids height.


"I'm Keith."

"Oh yeah I never said my name did I? I'm Sora"

Andrew x male reader (Little Witch Academia)Where stories live. Discover now