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The next day we were learning about some basic witch skills, the girls in the glass started gossiping as usual and the other three boys.. are not happy sitting beside each other. The boys constantly pushed and shoved each other. I rested my head on my hand "I'm so bored.. we learned this yesterday!" Akko whisper shouted "if your so bored why don't you do something about it?" I asked "because.. if I do I'll get in trouble!" She whispered. I sighed before getting out a piece of paper "here." I said handing it to her "what am I supposed to do with this?" She asked confused "draw?" I said suggestively she looked at me then the paper before smiling.

Time skip

Once school ended I went to lay right on my bed "already going to sleep?" Andrew asked "schools tiring." I replied before turning onto my side. The door opened and closed "aye not time to sleep yet!" Sora shouted tugging on my blanket "no!" I shouted gripping the blanket "come on!" Andrew shouted also pulling on the blanket, I let go of that blanket and wrapped myself in my other one "how many blankets do you have?" Andrew asked tugging on this one as well "as much as the gods can make." I said smirking down on them. I rolled myself into a burrito and let my sleepiness take me. That sleepiness was short lived because of Keith grabbing me and carrying me, he dropped me on the floor. I looked up at him "rude." I said before I noticed the door was opened, I smirked and rolled out of the room "wait!" I heard Andrew shout. I ignored him and rolled my mary way down the halls "your gonna get hurt!" I heard Sora shout "great!" I shouted back rolling faster. I stopped once I came across stairs, I looked behind me and saw Keith walking Andrew jogging and Sora running, he was a very slow runner. I stuck my tongue out at them and rolled down, I occasionally hit my head on the way down the long ass stairs before I landed. Once I hit the ending floor the world was spinning "oooh stars" I said looking at the ceiling "y/n." Keith said sternly before picking me up. I tried to get out of the burrito but couldn't which led me to squirm "curse my burrito blanket wrapping skills" I sighed "don't try that again." Keith said before setting me down with my feet landing on the floor. I snickered before turning around and running, I ended up running into a wall because I couldn't see. I fell backward onto the floor and continued to squirm "so.. how's it feel?" Sora asked annoyed "I fell like an upside down turtle." I replied already bored "well-" before I knew it I fell asleep.

"I guess school really is tiring." I said looking down at the sleeping y/n in his burrito blanket "wait.. where'd the other one go?" Keith asked "who?" I asked "Sora?" Keith said I shrugged "the hell id know where that creep went, I'm taking y/n back to the dorm" I said picking up the surprisingly light burrito "I'm gonna make sure he's isn't being a pervert to the girls." Keith said before jogging off. I sighed and walked back to the dorm, I closed the door before setting y/n down in my bed. I unfolded the blanket to reveal a seemingly dead y/n, I laughed at how dead he looked "looks like school drained every bit of life you had" I said before laying down beside him. He turned around to me and out his head on my chest "soft" he muttered, I blushed 'soft?!' I thought as I covered my mouth with my hand. I didn't want to accidentally shout and wake him up he was very.. cute. I looked away from his sleeping figure but quickly looked back when I felt his lips press against my neck. He was well awake and smirking "are you playing around or teasing?" I asked in my usual monotone voice "a little bit of both" he smiled innocently "well if you wanna play that way" I smiled and got on top of him, he looked like a strawberry underneath me, I laughed but got interrupted by the door opening "noooo! I was supposed to top y/n first" Sora whined. I glared at the two boys, as they continued talking I got off of y/n.

'Omg his laugh was so cute! God dammit I probably look so stupid right now!' I thought as I sat up "y/n! Did he touch you?" I shook my head "great I still have a chance!" he shouted before trying to kiss me. Instead I quickly laid back down, Keith and Andrew laughed as Sora whined "nooo! Damn you Andrew!" He cursed as he sat on the floor sulking, the others continued to laugh before the door opened again "Ursula!" I shouted with a huge smile on my face as I got up and hugged her tightly "hi y/n, hi boys." Her tone changed when talking to the others 'did something happen?' I thought before she continued "Luna nova has just opened their doors to more boys, their gonna share a room right next to yours. I heard their cute and twins" she whispered the last bit. I blushed "I-I already have someone in mind" I said 'why the fuck did you stutter?! Dumbass!' I mentally shouted at myself "oh? Tell me more later, you boys better behave with the others. I don't want anymore fights or drama." She said before hugging me again "goodbye my sweet child" she whispered before letting me go and walking down the hall 'her sweet child? What does she know that I don't? Other than mathematics and astrology?' I thought as I closed the door "more boys?... I hope their cute, no girls in this school want me! Not even y/n wants me!" He shouted "y/n's not a girl?" Andrew said almost questioning "exactly!" Sora shouted "that really says something" Keith replied, I snickered "y/n!" The door bursted open behind me just barley missing my back. My eyes widened as the huge gust of winds rushed past me "wanna raid the cafeteria with me?" Akko asked with Sucy behind her "sure, why are you with her? You usually only come on dangerous stuff?" I asked "I need the mushrooms" Sucy shrugged "which ones?" I asked walking out and closing the door behind me "the death cap (don't eat! Can die if digested) mushroom and the Fly Agaric (don't eat nor touch, will die no matter what!) and the Amanita Phalloides (can touch not eat, most poisonous mushroom in the world!)" I nodded taking note of them "so a deadly if you eat, a deadly if you touch, and the most poisonous mushroom in the world? Got it." I nodded "did you bring gloves?" Akko asked concerned "no?" Sucy said shrugging "why not?! You'll die if you touch the Fly Agaric mushroom!" Akko shouted "she won't because she's not gonna be the one touching it" I smiled "oh good" Akko sighed "WAIT WHAT?!" She quickly whipped her head to me "there's gloves in the kitchen and biohazard bags, we're gonna use those" I said with a smile "why do they have those mushrooms in the kitchen?! And biohazard bags?!" Akko shouts "your too loud! Keep it down" I hushed "I like your cousin Akko, he knows his mushrooms and hates your shouting" Sucy snickered "he does not!" Akko shouts once more "do you?" She asked me I shook my head but once she turned away from me I nodded. Sucy smiled as we entered the kitchen "Akko go raid the left side so you stay away from the mushrooms" I pointed at the left side. Akko nodded and ran over to the other side eating some of the food. Once I turned back to Sucy I saw her about to take a bite of a mushroom, I quickly put my hand on top of her mouth before she could take a bite "that's a destroying angel Sucy, your not dying yet." I said before browsing the mushrooms. They had multiple okay ones but a few deadly. Me and Sucy grabbed the mushrooms she needed as we talked to each other before I saw the Ivory Funnels "why are there Ivory Funnels in the safe to eat mushrooms? Their deadly." I stated "huh, I guess someone's trying to poison the students" Sucy shrugged. I grabbed the mushrooms with the gloves and put them in their separate place of 'not so safe to eat mushrooms!' I smiled as I put the gloves away "ready to go?" Akko asked, me and Sucy nodded "great let's go" Akko shouted as we walked out of the kitchen "thanks for helping us y/n!" Akko said with a smile "yeah, it was nice talking to someone else who also likes mushrooms" Sucy smiled "it also nice talking to you Sucy, Akko quiet down we're gonna get caught" I smiled as we walked through the empty halls "oh yeah? By who?" Akko asked confidently "that old hag! Duh who else would be wandering the school in their sad miserable life?" I snickered but the other two looked behind me "sad and miserable? And who might you be?" We all flinched before we ran "don't look back!" I shouted as we ran "that's common knowledge!" Sucy shouted back "you dumbass now she knows it's you!" I shouted as Akko turned her head to look behind us "I'm sorry I couldn't help it!" She shouted back. Akko screamed as we turned the corner just barley missing her grabbing hand "shit shit shit shit!" I screamed.

As soon as we lost her I collapsed on the floor with heavy breaths Akko also collapsed with Sucy laughing at us "I guess you really are cousins, you scream the same" she laughed "it's not my fault! She's so scary when she's running after us" I cried "yeah! Almost as scary as his mom" I put my finger up to protest but stopped "fair enough" I shrugged before laying my face down on the floor. Faintly I heard fast foot steps "run" I whispered as I quickly got up. Akko got up too and we all ran "damn it! Come here!" The old hag shouted "I'm starting to believe all my years with of karma are finally catching up to me!" I shouted "this is what we get for being bad children!" Akko shouted as we cried and made a sharp left. The old hag tripped as she turned allowing us some time to get farther away.

Once we lost her I made sure of it. I collapsed once more "I can't believe we outran her" I said in between pants, my face was all hot and sweaty I was out of breath and I could barley hold myself up "you need more excessive y/n" I groaned "yeah it's not like you collapsed at our last break, what did you use a speed spell?" I laughed but she stayed quiet "there's such thing?" I asked before slamming my face into the floor "why didn't I think of that?" I whined "it's what you get from playing video games all day everyday before school" Akko shrugged "I study plants and biology too! Not just games" I glared at her and she laughed "you? Study? Yeah right!" She laughed "I believe it, Akko you don't know half the things he does about mushrooms or other plants. He knows more about astrology and the human body than you" Sucy laughed "ha!" I shouted pointing at her "take that!" I added before she kicked me in my face. I whined and held my face with tears welling up 'damn this natural human reaction to pain.' I thought before I heard footsteps again "man fuck it, I kinda want her to catch me. I want her to try, at least I won't have to run" I whispered but instead of the old haha voice I heard three "y/n!" They all shouted. I looked at the through the corner of my eyes "it's the other boys?" Akko said confused "where have you been? We checked the kitchen and you weren't there!" I whined at Sora's words "long story short y/n upset an old hah, we ran, his body's giving out on him" Akko laughed "leave me and my lazy ass body alone" I glared at her "or what? You don't have the energy to even- AH!" She screamed as I grabbed her ankle as if my life depended on it "jeez y/n you have such a death grip on her" Keith said before snickering "omg let go!" She shouted wiggling her leg in attempt to get out of my grip. Eventually I gave up, my body hurt and I was tired "y/n?" I didn't respond "is he dead?" She asked "can I have your room if your dead?" She asked again "damn, atleast I get your package that has been in the mail for months y'know the one of (insert favorite anime or game character)" she said with laughter. I used my arms to mush me up a bit "I'm not dead, I'm alive." I said putting my knees under me at sat down "dang it! So close!" She muttered and kicked the floor "someone's praying on my downfall" I laughed "can we just go back to our dorms before the old hag catches us?" Andrew asked constantly looking around "I agree with Andrew, she's so scary when she senses fear or when she runs at you" I shivered at the thought "fine! Let's go." Akko huffed.

I wobbled a bit as we walked 'my legs feel like noodles' I thought as we continued walking. As soon as we reached the door I went for my bed and fell right onto it, didn't even realize how our room had changed from everyone having bunked beds to us having beds of the floor.

Sorry if I kinda went off rail with this one.have a great day!

Published November 8th 2022 at 2:35 pm Washington, spokane time.
Words total: 2391

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