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Gabriel's POV

"Emilie, I'm sorry... I could not save you, I could not keep my promise... but can you blame me for finally finding my peace and happiness?"

"My love, that's all I've ever wanted for you," she replied in a ghostly voice. "You have to let go."

"I will, Emilie... today I am letting you go at last."

"Farewell, my love."

I woke up, tears menacing to roll down my cheeks at any time. For the past week, I had been arranging everything for Emilie's funeral, and today was the day. Sadness flooded my soul; not because of her, but due to my failure. I had failed our promise, I had failed Adrien as a father... I had failed.

Tears went down as I lost my battle to retain them. Just for how long would I have to endure the suffering? How long would guilt haunt me like a vengeful phantom? Perhaps, today I was going to dispose of the pain, maybe the pain would be everlasting. I didn't know. I was clueless, and it was that cluelessness that bothered me the most.

Nathalie opened her blissful eyes and looked at me with a tender gaze.

"Should we get ready, love?" she asked in a raspy voice.

"It's early... but, anyways, I cannot sleep."

"Would you like to go for some fresh air?"

"Only if I am taking you with me, sweetheart."

She sat on the bed, offering me a stunning view of her naked back and I ran my fingers through her warm skin, sunk in a deep melancholy.

"Whatever did I do to deserve you, Nath..." I thought to myself.

We put our robes on and I helped her into her new robotic clutches.

Once in the garden, I couldn't take my eyes off Emilie's statue. It was gruesome; a horrible reminder of everything that had gone wrong in my life, but also a loving representation of all I have won after her departure.

"Shall we take the statue out? You know... after today's burial... along with the paintings..."

"Whatever you choose to do is fine, sir." Nathalie replied in a sombre tone.

Emilie had been her friend, they trusted each other, she had brought her into the manor as an assistant, and now she was dating her spouse. I could only try to figure out the troubled emotions in her heart... I could imagine she was apologising to Emilie for everything she did; for being Mayura, for not being able to deal with Adrien's emotions when he felt down as she thought a mother should, for being with me...

I wrapped an arm around her waist, and laid a soft peck on her lips.

"I shall leave the statue... but not the paintings. We can make new paintings... you and I... and Adrien."

"Of course, love."

"Shall we go to the basement one last time, my darling?"

She nodded.

I took her hand in mine and we went hand in hand to my lair. Emilie laid in her deep slumber slowly fading away from us. Nathalie opened the crystal and rested a hand on Emilie's chest.

"Goodbye, my friend," she managed to utter, restraining her tears.

She leaned to kiss Emilie's forehead and left a pink rose bouquet over her body.

I approached my wife's body and knelt by her side, carefully taking her cold hand in mine.

"I'm sorry, Emilie. I failed you and our family... but... I finally got to move on. Thank you, my beloved. Thank you for all the moments you granted me by your side, thank you for the family we built, thank you for trusting me when I thought no one would... thank you for guiding me... for being my light in the darkness, taking me somewhere you knew would be your end..." I grasped for Nathalie's hand. Her warmth filled me with strength. "I will always cherish your memory in the depths of my heart."

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