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Chanyeol's POV: 


I had stayed up way later than I should have last night and I was so totally feeling it. I was in that state where you're half awake and you still think everything is still a dream and you lay there with this random thought in your head, attempting to fall back to sleep, desperately trying to make it your next dream. Well, I was, until I heard the front door of the house open and crash close.

That meant Kai was here. Nooooooo. More sleepy please.

Hauling the covers over my head I tried to hide from the enviable. It must have been some fucked up reverse psychology because, yes, I hid, yes, I heard Kai's fat-ass footsteps, but nothing happened. No sudden bed-quake, no sudden blanket removal, no apple or muffin speed-pitch to the face.

Damn it, didn't he know that the whole '5 more minutes' only works when there's pressure?! Or was he just getting smarter and trying to creep me out?

Jimmies officially rustled, I sat up and smacked my comforter away from my face. Well, what the fuck. He was just kinda sidling against the door frame like the chick from the ring before she comes to water-rape you. Still half brain-dead, I squinted at him.

“Wha-- are we late? Is grandma dead?” It was a joke, my grandma was so healthy she was probably some undercover vampire and I would probably die before her – but I tried to listen out into the living room anyways and I could hear her ...making normal grandma noises? Sooo, I looked back at him as best I could blind and utterly confused.

“Heehee,” He shook his head at me had continued his sidling and made his way to the window like usual. Although it was very abnormal feeling. Kai? 'Heehee'? Maybe he was sick.

After sitting for a bit blinking and making sure it wasn't April Fool's Day or anything, I sat up and wandered over to my dresser, giving like two confused glances in his direction as he rested his forehead against the glass, having a staring contest with my backyard.

“Okay, what's wrong,” I picked up my shirt from the floor. It had gotten like 20 degrees hotter overnight and I was a well-known sleep-stripper when the weather did that. He didn't move but he did finally made words.

“I didn't sleep good.”

I wrinkled my nose at him, still confused but I guess that was his answer. He shifted just a bit as I continued dressing, crossing from my dresser back to my bed to put everything I had assembled on. I stared, wondering if I had did something that pissed him off. Well, pissing off Kai was extremely easy, so it was a common occurrence. But pissed off Kai never said 'Heehee'.

No form of Kai said 'Heehee'.

It was safe to say he was off his game so I didn't ask him for my glasses and just grabbed them myself, crossing the room to my desk and putting them on quickly as I attempted to locate where my backpack had been flung. I glanced just once out of the corner of my eye-wear – just a brief second – and noticed something. He seemed to be looking out the window to a blind person, but I almost jolted back when I realized he had been watching me in the glass's reflection, or at least was at that moment.

“Kai!” His name came out along with a strangled laugh as I stood up quickly, extremely confused now. He spun around with huge eyes.

“What is up?” I've known him for 9 years and I can tell this just wasn't 'I didn't sleep well'. He was acting borderline homicidal. Quickly, he put his hands up outward towards me like he caught doing something.

“O-Okay, jeez! Honestly, I was telling the truth, I slept like shit last night... because of ... a 'really messed up dream.”

The whole ending of that sentence was mumbled and sputtered and while I still understood him I still wasn't putting it all together. I try really hard to be a morning person. It's rough. But a dream? That was intriguing to me. Science-y things always intrigued me, so I went into scientist mode hearing that.

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