Somnambulance (PT. 2)

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Kai's POV: 

My skin was crawling. I felt super guilty as I marched back to the guitar shop, feeling like I had a giant sign on my forehead that read 'Baekhyun just humped me' in huge neon letters. I hoped Sehun's slowness had rubbed off on Chanyeol a bit, because he was good at picking up crap like that.

As I passed the storefronts, a few of them began opening their gates as I noticed the guitar shop's gate was open as well now. Jogging up to the store, I could hear the all-too familiar sound of drum playing emanating from inside. I froze. For some reason the idea of me watching Chanyeol play again drained me of all rationality. I could just turn back around. But... How silly would that be, running away from my best friend? Sighing, I ran my hand through my hair, staring up at the pretty sky lights that decorated the roof of the mall. I dropped my arms to the side just before a gentle voice voice shook me out of my thoughts.

“Not sleeping well?”

My attention was drawn and I stared at the stranger, dumbfounded. Most of his face was obscured with a scarf and hood – I didn't notice it then, but it was a bit strange for the weather. His sand-colored hair stood out from the fabric around his face and his eyes were warm and understanding, even though I didn't know him. He pulled down his scarf to reveal his smile.

“I say that because you look sleepy...” He continued. That was ironic... me looking sleepy or not. I finally smiled at him.

“You're good at reading people.”

He beamed at me as his scarf floated over his mouth again, turning on his heel slowly.

“Get some sleep then... see ya.” He made a waving motion at me with a few of his fingers as he ran off and disappeared down a corridor.

I sorta stood there a bit dumbfounded. Was I so easily to read that even a stranger could notice? I shook my head. The sound of drums entered my awareness again and my gut tightened up once more. Ugh, I was so frustrated. I finally hit my boiling point and just stomped my way into the guitar shop. I didn't stop stomping until I got directly in front of Chanyeol. I was sure my redness was apparent but by the way I had presented myself he slowly stopped playing and blinked up at me.

“You look like you're about to barf....”

I shook my head. “Nah,” I tried to relax my shoulders a bit. “I'm fine.” Chanyeol shot me a look that just screamed 'I don't really believe you but whatever you say'. I glanced over casually towards Sehun who was still reading his comic book, back at his place behind the counter, headphones at full power. Now that Chanyeol had ceased his drumming I could actually hear it.

“Where's Baekhyun?”

I ignored the fact he had left out Tao. Not that I had any sympathy for him, it was just a bit depressing that in my presence he requested Baekhyun specifically anyways.

“Those two are still shopping...” I rubbed my neck, and Channie smiled at me.

“I know how you are with shopping.”

I grimaced and didn't really try to hide my smile that time. I don't like shopping. But it's not the picking out clothes part, it's the people part. Especially people like Baekhyun. That was already enough people interaction for the day. Too bad I wouldn't get my way.

Wandering over to Sehun, I glanced over his shoulder at what he was reading. It didn't look like anything too amazing, just a typical manga book. Chanyeol starting playing again as Sehun glanced over, eying Chanyeol and then me.

“Chanyeol asked me something strange just now...” He lazily turned the page as his eyes fell back to it. My intrigue was so painfully apparent if he was anyone else, they'd probably laugh at me.

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