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Distance vs Displacement
Class 9th, physics chapter-1 was when I first heard this term and it sort of said-so long you are back to where you were before it started, it doesn't matter if you travel 5kms from point A to point B, and then 5 back to point A, the displacement will be 0 irrespective of the distance travelled. This is when I was sure enough that what matters is knowing the way back(even physics textbook said that now).
Anyways the thing in life is that while you're out sharing secrets on the beach, there is a person who has chosen to stay back to keep an eye on the shoes and then you'd realise that there are 2 types of people even on the beach-the ones who surf and the ones who hope; at the end it's the ones with hope who believe that how far one goes is not a measure of how long is one gone for(class 9th-displacement).
But-coming to me, I'm certainly not blinded with blind faith; because life has also taught me that when one is gone long enough, the laws of distance and displacement fade.
While it is possible to feel at the same time the sand between your toes, it is also possible to lay side by side and have one person dream of the sea and the other of the short,it is equally possible to have no distance at all in between yet be reminded of it every splitting second.

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