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I sat with her and listen to the reasons she had to leave me. I don't remember her at all everything I knew was a lie. My life is a lie, I was never a queen. I don't care what happens as long as I have my crown. I don't care, if anyone tries to take it away from me I will kill.

"You see I left to save your life, both you and your brother," she told me, thinking I would care part of me wanted to believe her but I couldn't not yet


We had been ridding for weeks with Stannis my mother and Robb I found out a was with child again. I had a uneasy feeling, about everything. My mother had been spending a lot of time with Alex. He was becoming very close to her, he was becoming her lap dog. Kaine was still on a war path, about getting me on the throne, but he kept it well hind from Stannis. The gods only know what he would do if he found out, that someone was already over throwing him before he became king. Robb had been spending time with a girl named Talisa, more than he spent with me.

Night started to fall we were almost at kingslanding when one of my men came in my tent with a bag and a letter he put them both down Alex and Kaine both looked at him. Alex looked a the bag and Kaine grabbed the letter.

I opened the bag and I looked at the blood there was a always so much blood. This war will cost everyone there lives, including me. I didn't cry I couldn't I had no tears left. I looked at Lyanna and picked her up. Maybe I should have gone with Oberyn, but we needed to end the war we started first.

"We should bray him" Kaine said trying not to show any emotion he was always like that, he was a soldier through and through

Alex just looked at him and said "we should find his killer, this is a message, they killed father, I bet is was the Lannisters"

"Shut up, both of you, it was the Lannisters and they will pay, but first you are the new lord Mikaelson, you now control the army tell them to kill the Lannisters and they will" I told Alex, "or we can march up there and kill them ourselves"

He stood up straight "they need to pay" I thought the same thing they will pay and if I have to I will kill them myself

"Then make them pay! Take the iron throne for all I care, but don't just stand here talking about it do it" I told them he was like a child waiting for father to tell him what to do

Kaine opened the letter and it out loud "I will not have my foolish son, be in charge of everything I built just to burn it now, My heir is my only daughter.... Amara"


I walked into me and Robb's room and just hugged him I didn't let go, it felt like we are there for hours but we weren't.

"When will it end?" I asked

He kissed me and said "never..."

"Me and my brothers are going to kill them" I told him holding back my tears I wouldn't cry anymore I couldn't

"Don't leave me" he said I didn't want to leave

I looked down "they made us look weak, we have too kill them" Mikaelson's can't- aren't allowed to look weak our father told us that

He stormed out of the room, I didn't even try to stop him. I was so tried of all this, everyone wants to rule the world. Everyone wants happiness in the world, but they all think this has a happy ending, they are all wrong happy ending aren't real. May the gods have mercy upon my enemies because I won't.

Kaine POV

I watched Amare and Alex's mother, all the crescent were behind her she was walking to Amara's tent. I grabbed my sword and watched the carefully I would kill her if I had to Alex was walking right next to her then they walked into her tent. At the same time I saw Robb with Talisa then he kissed her, I would've killed him right there but then I heard my sister yelling, I ran over to her tent and walked in.

Amara POV

My mother took my army, she took my people. I should have killed her

she said to me smiling "my dear little moon, since I never died you never really became the queen of the crescent. I'm just taking it back"

My brother stood next to her i'll kill him too "you can't do that, I am the queen" I told her some of the soldier put their hands on there swords my mother has them all rapped around her finger

"I can and I did, your just the princess" she said and my brother looked down there was pain in his eyes

Kaine ran in and picked up Lyanna then pulled my outside. Where I saw Robb with Talisa the list of people I'm going to kill is getting very long. He saw me and ran up to me

he said " Amara can-" I cut him off I wouldn't listen to him I don't care

Kaine took me to the horses and yelled to some of his and my fathers I mean my men and said "keep her safe if anything happens to her you and everyone you have ever loved I will kill I the most awful way"

the men nodded their heads and I asked him "Where am I going?"

"Dorne, find Obryen and I'll fix everything here" he told me ad kissed my head, "be safe sister..."

After take we started to ride and I didn't look back I left everything I knew behind me and rode to Dorne.


Bet you didn't see that coming

anyway comment what you think is going to happen comment below

what do you think happened to make all his happed?

Please comment and vote that's the only reason I keep writing

and next week I start testing on Wednesday then I have for like three weeks so I won't update as much but i'll try

bye lovies have a nice day (and oh you should all go read "what rises must fall" by Nymeria_Stark_wolf I made Kaya Martell up so go read it (: )

(Ps is the photo working?)

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