Valar Morghulis

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Valar morghulis; all men must die.

My father always said that before he went to battle, now that I have to go to war I'll say it as well.

Oberyn and me watched the sand snakes tech Conner,

Nymeria looked at me and said "when Lyanna grows up we will teach her to fight" smiling

I smiled back at her and she went back over to Conner, with the other sand snakes.

Oberyn looked at me and said "one of my friends are here would you like to meet them?"

I nodded my head and we started to walk. Since I was in Dorne I didn't care what my mother did. I want my crown back, but if I didn't I have a good life in Dorne.

We walked and until I we saw a women dark hair and tan, and the men held flags of a black bull on blood red background, the women didn't ride a horse she rode a bull. Oberyn smiled at me then to the women as she got off of her bull and walked over too us.

"Amara I would like you to meet Lady Evelina Taurus" he told me

I smiled at her "I never met someone who could ride a bull, like you just did" I told her the bull didn't try to knock her off the bull was calm and walk like the horses

"His name is Toro, I got him when we were young and trained him, it is what my family is known for" she had accent to the way she talked but I wasn't sure what is was

I had a hunting dog that Kaine gave me before I rode to Dorne, but it was no direwolf, dragon or bull "that's amazing" I said

"You are the queen of the crescent, yes?" She asked me I guess everywhere they know of the crescent and are unique gifts, we aren't the most feared army for no reason.

" I was until,my mother came back and toke my crown away" I told her I forgot that I wasn't a Queen, but I was the head of the Mikaelson army now and my men were coming to Dorne

She looked at me in disbelief "kill her, mothers forget that when we are raised by our fathers, we grow stronger and we will fight through hell to get what is ours" I liked her she was as much as a fight as I was

"Yes, and we kill anything that is in our way" I replied I did kill people I remember it was before I married Robb I killed men who thought women shouldn't wear a crown, and I liked it and I hated that I liked it. That was the bloodlust of the Mikaelson's my brother Kaine has a lot of that bloodlust and Alex has some of it as well, if you don't have it your not a Mikaelson.

"I we would make a unstoppable army" she told me smirking

Oberyn cut and and said "and I don't think anyone would want to fight that army, but why do we go sit and talk about this"

I smiled and we walked back to Conner and the Snakes. I sat next to Oberyn and Evelina sat across from us. She told me how she would help me win my crown back. We became friends very quickly, we were both women in charge and most men respected that and some didn't and those didn't live long.

She looked at Conner and then to me and asked "is he your bastard?"

I replied "no, he is my ward, people I hated killed his parents and I toke him in"

"I heard of how the Mikaelsons fight, and from what I heard, his a Mikaelson" she said smiling

"The Mikaelson Fire my aunt calls it and my father calls it Bloodlust, he said that it was something in us that would keep us alive and fight till our last breath and it would make kings raise and fall," I told her, "something so deadly, and that is why we win all our wars"

We got along we talked more of our families and what we should do in the war coming. She would help me win and so would Oberyn. So she left and went to her room and Conner went our room. Oberyn and me walked to my room, by the time we got there Conner was sleeping and so was Lyanna one of the lady's in waiting to Oberyn's brothers wife took care of her when we were watching Conner.

I sat down on the couch and he did the same "you can sleep in my room, I don't think a pregnant women should sleep on a couch" he told me "or at lest let me get you another room so you can sleep on a real bed"

I kissed his cheek and told him "if I need to sleep in a bed I'll tell you"

"Do you want to be a Martell?" He asked me

I smiled I was a Stark but I'm not anymore when I saw Robb with another women I stopped "yes, I want to be a Martell" I told him I was going to be one before Robb came back

"Good then we'll get married" he said and kissed my forehead

I raised a eyebrow and said "when will we do that?" And laughed

"Whenever you want to get married, I don't care, I would like you keep you safe Amara" he replied "we can get married after you have Robb's child or before you have it, we could get married when you get your crown back, I'm a patient man"

I rolled my eyes and smirked at him "you forgot I'm still married too Robb" I told him wondering how that would work

"You told me he went to another women, I say that he shouldn't look anywhere else, because he has you" he said, "you are a Queen after all"

"The dornish take lovers all the time" I told him he couldn't denied that, he had all his daughters to show for it

He looked at me and said "true, but his not dornish, his a Stark" he replied "plus, if we did get married I might take lovers, what you think of that?"

"That's why I know your marriage proposal is bullshit" I said laughing and so did he

"No it's not and you and me both know that, I'm not sure if I love you so I would never tell you if I wasn't sure, but I do care about you" he told me "but I do know I don't want to see you get hurt, or the look on your face the first day you came to Dorne with fear"

At lest he was truthful, he didn't lie to me about loving me like Robb did. I like Oberyn for that, because I do believe in love or maybe I'm not allowed to love or something. Maybe I'm met to be alone, but maybe I'm not. It's just I've seen love fail so many times, that I don't think it's real anymore ,but I hope it is.

So first

BrandiWatson6 made up Evelina (hope you like her in the story)

2.) do you like this chapter comment below
3. Do you think Robb and Amara have any chance of making it
4. Who you you like better with Amara
Robb (comment below)

Anyway comment below and tell me what you think and vote

As always bye lovies

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