Red as blood

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Blood that's how I we come into this world and blood is how we leave it. Every thing was the same but I don't speak much anymore. Everything else is the same my brother and Oberyn try and help me but it doesn't work. I watch Conner during his training he reminds me of Kaine when he was younger. Its like I'm here but I'm not, I have dreams of Ramasy but it's more of nightmares. I stopped sleeping again, Lea and me talked more but less.

She sat in front of me and said "you know it's okay, not to be okay"

I smiled at her Eve was helping Conner "it is for normal people not for me, I just need a day or so to recover" I told her

"I understand how you feel, you don't want to be seen as weak, you want to pretend you're okay, but that's more dangerous than being weak" she told me and added "your the strongest person I know"

"Well your strong yourself" I told her "you survived hell"

She smiled at me and said "so did you"
"I hate this, I feel completely useless" I told her that's why I had to put on my fake smile tomorrow

I looked at her then back at Oberyn and Conner training. I smiled I knew, she was right. I'll try and be normal after this war, but for now I had to pretend I was okay. I'll start tomorrow because that's when we leave for war. I would put on that fake smile again and hold all the emptiness inside till it killed me. I watch my brother and Oberyn talking.

Kaine POV

I walked over to Oberyn he was training Conner. I wanted to help him after the war. He reminds me of well me when I was his age he even looks like me.

He looked over to my sister and said "will she be okay?"

"No,but she's never been okay , but she'll fight as if she was" I told him "tomorrow she'll, go to war with us and she'll fight harder then any of my men or yours, because that's what she does: she takes care of everyone other then herself, that's my job"

"Then why do you let her fight?" He asked me

I laughed "you wanna tell her she can't do something, she'd kill you and me" I told him

"That I do believe" he said "I don't feel like having my wife kill me" and he smiled at me

My sister wasn't always cold, she used to believe in the songs about the knight saving the maiden. But she soon learned she that she wasn't ever getting saved because she was a queen, she learned she would have to save herself.

Amara POV

It isn't fair, privileges we are given...are the prices must pay for them. What a shame we all become such fragile broken things in the end. I know that we cannot change the cards we are dealt, but I can change the way I play the hand. All lives end, all heart are broken, caring is not an advantage. That is something I learned when I was young.

Next day

I grabbed my bow and arrows, and I walked to my horse. Eve was on her bull I would hate being her enemy. Lea was in her horse with a sword. Kaine, Oberyn and Robb were all on there horses I held Lyanna in one arm and Jackson in the other Conner was walking next to me. I knew they couldn't come with us so I would have to leave them here in Dorne. Good thing my aunt was here finally, I put Lyanna down and kissed Jacksons head then gave him to my aunt. Then I got down so I be Lyanna and Conners height.

"Lyanna I need you to be a good girl, while I'm gone okay, and I promise I'll try and come back" I hugged her and kissed her head

"Mama" she said and I smiled

I looked at Conner and said "you may not be my family by blood, but you still are my family I want you to keep training and I want you to be strong" and I hugged him and kissed his head

"Your going to win right an come back?" He asked me

I smiled "Mikaelsons don't die essay, but we do die bloody" I told him it wasn't a real answer because I wasn't sure I would win but I would try

And if I had to die I would, I wish that wasn't true. Bit Mikaelsons going against Mikaelsons that's a battle that no one knows who would win. I hope that it's me and Kaine.

I got on my horse and we rode out, with all our men. We have more than my mothers and brothers put together and our know how to fight. I guess now it's fight or die or both, but that's what's my family is known for.

You can't break what's already broken, right?


Sorry is short (I thinks I have a problem I think 900 is short,but most chapters are 1000 and something)

Anyway I saw my story has 30.1k read and almost like 1000 votes like oh my God I wanna say thank you all so much for reading and voting and comment like this means everything to me

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What do you want to happen/see?

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As always bye lovies

(Go read my pre game of thrones story please)

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