No more happy endings

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Oberyn walked with me telling me more about Dorne. About his dughters the sand snakes he's oldest and then the younger ones all eighth of them. He told me about the water gardns and how I would love them beause my aunt does. He also talked about my mother telling me about what she did in dorne, It made me happy people don't talk about her much and she wasn't around long I was young when she died and remember not much.

I stopped him and said "I felt happy when I watched him die"

"I'll tell you a secret, most people who knew him were and some that didn't know him at all were happy as well" he told me I smiled becasue it was true Joffery was and ass and most were happy to see him die but he still was Rhea's brother and I feel bad for her but not her brother he got what he dreavesed

"Life has no happy endings we all die in the end," I said, "how could anyone win this game when we're all doomed to the same ending?" everything ends the same in this stuipd game we serve our purpose then when we are no longer useful the gods kill us

"Our children," he replied "your Lyanna and all my daughters, they are how we win, because even if we are killed they make sure it wasn't in vein" part of me believed him but the other the other part wasn't so sure but more of me believed him and that ment something

I laughed "the gods love taking things don't they." most of they people I've loved they have taken from me

"Yes, yes they do we are all just there chess pieces and they don't care who dies" he said it was true the gods don't care who anyone is they are playing their own game and if we have to die so they get what they want they won't think twice about our deaths

"Are you really going to be lord Tryion's champion?" I asked him I don' want him to died he is Rhea's uncle

"The Mountain raped an kill my sister then murdered her children" he replied I could see his eyes get darker just as he though of it what i couldn't tell was if he was sad or mad

"I don't want you to die" I told him

He laughed and asked me "are you starting to care about be?"

I smiled "no, I just don't want to see anymore death" I told him, I don' think I could watch anyone else die I think that would realy break me

He did that stupid smirk he does and said "I won't be dying any time soon" he took my arm and we walked around more


I went to see my brothers wife Elvira because she was watching Lyanna for me. She was sitting in the garden with Eric and Lyanna. I walked over to her with a smiled.

"Amara it's lovely to see you" she said

I smiled and said "you too"

"Lyanna is so pretty, I hope I have a girl" she told me looking at Lyanna

"You get along with Eric well I'm sure you'll be a good mother" I told her picking up Lyanna

She looked at Eric and smiled "I'm with Alex's child"

I looked at her shocked and said "does he know yet?"

"No and don't tell him, I want to make sure first" she said

I looked down at Eric and though soon he'll have a brother or sister and said "you do know sooner or later you'll have to tell him, but I won't tell him"


Oberyn was yeling at the him, he had chances to kill him but he wanted to here him say it. He should have killed him sooner, I watched on the edge of my seat next to Rhea. He did it finally he killed him, I let out the breath I had been holding in, I almost cried Oberyn made it.


okay the first time I wrote this Oberyn did die but then I couldn't do it so his alive still this was going to be a sad part but it's not

the next part everyone who loves Robb x Amara (I'm going to post that on tumblr) will be happy I'm not going to tell you want happens but keep reading and waiting for updates

comment below what you think and vote and if you have question about stuff I'll answer it :)

Also does anyone like the winter soldier okay bye lovies have nice day

(p.s sorry it's short)

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