A/N Questions

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So this is all about your questions
Also I got a lot going on like the dance and I have to get rid of this fucking sun burn (like who's fucking idea was it to have people go in the sun the day before a dance I'm kinda mad right now imma cry) and among other stuff and I didn't finish this weeks chapter


Sorry but half way there

But Like if you want me to explain something of you just wanna know w something like why I toke the story the way I did or what was my original ending or anything like that

What the sequel will be about? The photo involves what it's about

Or what the prequel will be about? Still working on it

About the characters and information about them? Cuz I know sometimes I don't explain things right

Ask away I'll answer anything that doesn't give away to much of the plot

Comment below and ill answer it plus I've been good I haven't done a A/N in awhile

And as soon as I'm done with the chapter I'll post it :)

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