『 Chapter 13: Test Flight 』

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Weeks of practice and training went by, and Hiccup had finally perfected his cheat sheet. The boy held it up and let out a sigh, "Finally! Finished~" He turned around to face you, currently, you were stroking Rainsong's horns as she let out a purr.

You glanced up at the boy, "You finished the cheat sheet?" He nodded, walking over to you and crouching down, he turned it to face you. You looked down at the pictures on the sheet, "I have no idea what these mean."

Hiccup turned to look at you, "Want me to show you?" He stood up and held his hand out. You smirked and grabbed his hand, getting pulled up, "Alright bud! Let's go!" Hiccup called Toothless. The dragon pounced over and stood excitedly next to the boy. Toothless wiggled his tail. Hiccup hopped onto the dragon and reached out for you, pulling you up onto the dragon. You sat down on the saddle, Hiccup turned towards you slightly, "You might wanna hold on." He said before Toothless flapped his wings and the three of you shot up in the air. You quickly clung to the boy, wrapping your arms around his waist.

The flight seemed to level out and you felt Toothless fly steadily, "Okay there, bud. We're gonna take this nice and slow." Hiccup said. He looked down at the sheet, "Here we go. Here we go. Position...three...no, four." You heard Hiccup shift gears, he turned to look back at the tail, before turning back around. Toothless did a loop and Hiccup looked back at the tail before facing forward again, "All right, it's go time. It's go time." Toothless let out a growl as the three of you turned slightly downwards, your grip tightened on Hiccup as he leaned forward.

"I sure hope you know what you're doing!" You yelled over the wind.

Hiccup chuckled, carefully placing one of his hands over yours, "Don't worry. I've got you." He then moved his hand back to the front of the saddle. Toothless tipped slightly to the side, touching the water with the tip of his wing, "Come on, buddy! Come on, buddy!" Hiccup said while the wind was whipping in your hair. You glanced up and spotted birds flying overhead. The three of you flew under a worn rock overhang, "Yes, it worked!" Hiccup said, taking a quick glance back at you and then the tail. Hiccup pulled a turn too slow and the three of you slammed against a pillar of rock.

"Sorry!" He looked forward once more and noticed another pillar and quickly tried to turn, unsuccessfully hitting another pillar, "That was my fault." Hiccup said before Toothless flicked his head upwards hitting Hiccup in the face, "Yeah yeah, I'm on it." He quickly turned towards you, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, thanks." You said, clutching tighter onto his shirt.

He nodded before facing forward once more, "Position four. Uh, three." Slowly Toothless started flying higher. The dragon stuck his tongue out catching the wind, "Yeah! Go, baby! Yes! Oh, this is amazing!" You loosened your grip on Hiccup and let yourself lean back slightly, "The wind in my..." You saw a piece of paper fly past your face, "Cheatsheet! No!" Hiccup turned around to try and grab it. Toothless came to a stop while flying up in the air. Hiccup grabbed the sheet and suddenly came unhooked from the saddle. you were holding on too loosely to stay stable and you and Hiccup both were falling suspended in the air. You noticed Toothless falling quickly behind you.

"Hiccup!" You called, panicking.

Hiccup spun around, trying to find a way to get back to Toothless, "Oh, gods! OH, gods! Oh, no!" You tried to get closer to the boy and his dragon. Toothless let out a roar and started thrashing around, "All right, okay, you've gotta kind of angle yourself." The dragon started spinning, "No! No, no, no!" Toothless accidentally hit Hiccup in the face with his tail, "Ow!" Hiccup quickly put the cheat sheet in his mouth and turned around quickly, he spotted you falling closely near him and grabbed you. With one hand he pulled himself towards the dragon and pulled himself down towards the saddle. He secured himself to the saddle and you gripped his waist and pulled yourself down onto the saddle too.

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