Chapter One

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Ashley's Pov: 

"We need to get rid of this body, now." My breath stops and I look up Kie. "Kie! We can't just get rid of the body!" Pope screams pushing her. 

"Oh okay sorry Pope what would you like to do? Call the cops, say we found a dead body, wait they found something? What did they find? Ashley's fucking DNA. Oh look at that, Ashley is now sitting in court getting sentenced for life in prison, you can say goodbye to you fucking best friend!" 

I zone out of their conversation focusing on a grain of sand. 

I just killed someone. 

The blood is on my hands. 


I look down at my hands and dress to see blood spluttered all over them. 

Adrenaline is still coursing through my veins, not feeling the pain of the wound on the back of my leg. I replay the scene of me killing her. 

We both go to grab the knife, sand slowly entering my wound, making me scream in pain but not giving up.

I grab the knife and stand up, whimpering, but of course she brought two knives. She pulls out her other knife from her leg garter.

We both go to stab each other. I aim for her stomach as she is throwing the knife that will hit me in my shoulder if I don't move. 

I fall to the ground avoiding the knife that has just landed on the floor beside me. A blood curdling scream comes out of her throat. 

I stand up and stare down at her, the knife lodged in her stomach. "I'll say hi to your dead mom of yours." Tears fall down my cheek, not because of what I have done, but because of what she just said. 

"Have fun in hell." I stare down at her as she begins coughing up blood, I look away at the scene, not being able to handle it. 


I shake my head out of my thoughts looking up to see everyone looking down at me. "Huh?" 

I feel so numb, she ruined my life, she did cruel things to me, but at the end of the day, I'm the one that killed her. Two innocent parents will be worried sick, and I'll have to live with the guilt of that. 

"Hey," John B kneels down, meeting me eye level with my red bloodshot eyes. "I know right now you are feeling guilty, and that shows how much of  a nice person you are, but we all know you did it out of self defence." He wipes my tears away with his thumb pulling me into his warm embrace. 

I nod standing up, avoiding looking down at the dead body. "What are we going to do?" Sarah croaks out. I look towards her to see she is crying as well. "I hate to admit this but we need to get rid of this body." Pope whispers, as if he is disappointed in himself. 

"Guys midsummers party is literally a few metres away we need to take this somewhere else before we even think about what we will do with the body." Kie reminds us all.

JJ and John B walk over to the body, grabbing the hands and legs, carrying further onto the beach, I swallow down the food that wants to come up and follow behind them, but as I take a step, I wince in pain. 

"Fuck Ash." Pope quickly throws my arm over his shoulders, supporting me to where we are going. 

The world begins spinning lightly, as if I'm drunk. "Pope, I feel dizzy." I mutter leaning my head against his body. 

He mutters something under his breath before picking me up bridal style walking over to the group. "Guys Ash need to get her wound stitched up asap." Even though I'm right under him and his voice should sound loud, he sounds so distant. 

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