Chapter 8

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Arrival of the Holy Sword, a Past Revealed and a Duel

*Location: Unknown*

Kiba's Pov:

I am fighting this exorcist with an excalibur fragment he's reckless but he is good I'll give him that But I cannot let that sword get away I will destroy it!.

3rd Person Pov:

As Kiba and the exorcist fought Kiba managing to Hold him off the exorcist decides to retreat leaving Kiba dissapointed that he couldn't destroy the very thing that put him on the path of revenge.

*Timeskip Morning*
*Location: Beelzebub Estate (Rias's Room)*

Rias's Pov:

Y/N, Asia and Me along with everyone else just woke up and decided to get ready for school I went back to my own room to get ready to get going because Y/n said he wanted to talk to me about Kiba's Past at the Clubroom.

Before i reached the front door i Saw Y/n standing by it.

Rias: Y/n? Aren't you coming to school?

Y/n: No, I'll meet you in the clubhouse you guys Go ahead and Asia please tell the Homeroom Teacher that I will be back in class the next day.

Asia: Yes Y/n-san I'll tell the teacher.

Y/n: *concerned* Please be safe on the way......

After he said that he stepped into a magic circle and was gone Leaving me to wonder why he told us to be safe I guess I'll ask him later when he comes to the clubhouse.

*Location: Kuoh Academy*

3rd Person Pov:

Rias, Akeno, Le Fay and Asia on their way to school saw Sona and Tsubaki along with two Figures one of them Wielding a Holy Sword Rias told Asia and Le Fay to go on without them and decided to go to the clubroom later.

Rias Pov:

Later at the Occult Research Club Room I saw Y/n sitting on the Couch with a serious expression it has been a while since I saw him like that and decided to sit down on my chair Y/n Asked If Kiba was a part of the Holy Sword Project something he didn't want to say but needed to be sure and I told him what he needed to know.

Rias: You see Before Kiba became my Knight he was a Survivor of the Holy Sword Project where he was.......

Rias: A Failed Product of their research.

Rias: He managed to escape the research facility but was severely injured possibly escaped from being disposed of.

Rias: He managed to escape the research facility but was severely injured possibly escaped from being disposed of

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Rias: I found him on the brink of death and decided to reincarnate him in my household as my Knight.

Y/n: I see no wonder he has a strong distaste for the Holy Swords *whispers* If only I could have stopped it!.

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