23) Let U Know

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Telling you, it's tearing me apart
You just had to break my heart
When I needed you, you didn't want me though
Let U Know-Vic Mensa




How does it feel to be one's first love?
The one that made their heart shine brighter than anyone had before
The first to be romanticized in the way all women should
To be seen
To be felt

To find comfort in being their one and only till the end of time

To be the girl they can't forget

The girl that haunts him as he stares into his new love's eyes

Every love after the first feels lonely

Because there's other people, other memories that crowd the space in one's heart
And you'll never be sure if there is enough room for you

Joy jumped as her phone rang, pulling her out of her stupor. The name princess Celine making her heart beat a little quicker. It had been a week since she rudely ran out of Jin's place without an explanation.

She was surprised when no one contacted her. Maybe even a little sad. But it was for the best. It was very often that Joy would choose herself above everyone else. She always put herself first. No matter how much it hurt to do it. And now, she would be forced to deal with the consequences of her sudden and impulsive actions.

The girl took a giant breath before answering.

"Wanna get your nails done with me?" Celine chirped over the phone, stopping Joy before she could even apologize for rushing out of Jin's house.

Oh no. That means she wants to talk. And it will probably be about...

She couldn't even think about his name. It made her feel too many things. Like the pit in her stomach and throat and heart that wouldn't go away. She doubted at this point that it ever would at the mention of him. That was the problem.

"I don't really need them done yet." Joy murmured into the phone, her eyes resting on the laptop before it. It was easier to lie to people over the phone.

It still felt acidic on her tongue. A loud sigh on the other line startled her again, making her bite the edge of her lip in anticipation.

This, this is when Celine would call her an idiot. Say she used Yoongi for that Scotland trip. Say she was a dumbass for not communicating. This is when she would say she wasn't good enough for her friend.

"Joy, the honest, are you lying to me? I saw about an inch of regrowth. If you try putting on leggings your nails might just snap off." Celine giggled softly, snorting through her nose a bit.

Joy's shoulders fell. Somehow what the girl on the other line said was worse.

"Your friend group never fails to humble me." Joy deadpanned, wrapping her laptop charger around her hand anxiously playing with it.

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