You Refuse to Call Them 'Oppa'

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Since he is more traditional, I think it would really bother him.

He thought that you just did it because you were a foreigner, were new to their culture.

He didn't think it would be for this reason.

When he approached you about it, all you said was, "I hate the word. It makes me uncomfortable."

He could see how you, someone from a completely different culture, could find it unsettling.

That doesn't mean he stopped trying to get you to say it, though.


I feel like he would actually care.

It was just something that everyone did in Korea. He found it normal.

But you, not so much.

He would try everything to get you just say it.

He would do aeygo, would do silly dances, serenade you completely out of tune, give you chocolate.

But nothing worked.

Eventually, he just gave up and tried to accept the fact that 'oppa' just wasn't in your vocabulary.


We all know this man would love be called 'oppa'. And he would not be happy when you told him that you were never going to call him that.

He would groan, "Come on, Y/N... Just do it."

You gave him a pointed look, "What did I just say, Namjoon? I'm not going to do it, end of story."

"But why? I'm your oppa."

"You are my boyfriend. Get over it."

He loved how stubborn you could be sometimes, just not right now.


To be honest, I don't think he would care very much.

He would respect your decision and just roll with it. When you came up to him and asked him one day if he would like to know the reason, he just shrugged.

"You must have your reasons." He would say, "Just don't expect me to call you 'noona' and we'll be good."

You don't know if you were too happy about that, but you could understand his reasoning.

Overall, I don't think Yoongi would care.


This man would be neutral about it, I think.

Sometimes, he would want you to say it. Other times, he wouldn't care.

When he really wanted you to do it and you constantly refused, he would get pouty and grumpy. Which caused you to hit him over the head with a pillow.

When one of his friends would question him about it, he would just shrug and say, "She just doesn't want to. I'm not going to force her."

This made you attack him with hugs and kisses when you two got home.

He really could be a sweetheart when he wanted to be.


I think he would want you to call him 'oppa', but he would quickly accept that you just weren't going to utter the word, even if the consequence was death.

You tended to me the logical one in the relationship, so when he approached you about it, you just said, "I'm older than you. Why should I call you 'oppa'?"

He caught on that you would rather be called 'noona' and quickly took to blurting out the label at least every five minutes.

You would rather him say the title than you, you found it rather endearing.

And he didn't see it as degrading.


We all know this boy hates being called 'oppa'.

He was just thankful that you never even tried, he didn't even question you.

And you knew quite well that he hated the title as well, so it was just a mutual agreement that neither of you would ever speak the word.



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