You Lose a Family Member

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Hello everyone!

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've just had a few things going on.

I promise I will get to requests soon...

I have had three family members pass within the past year, so this is kind of a personal reaction for me.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy :)



Sitting next to you on a white, wooden pew, Seokjin watched you as silent tears streamed down your face, a testament to the sorrow you had held in the days prior.

As he rubbed your back, you leaned into his side, taking refuge in his comfort.

One of your closest cousins had passed away, due to suicide.

Jin knew you felt guilty. You felt like you should have been there for them, but you had selfishly been in Korea, pursuing your own dreams, love, and ambitions.

Pressing a kiss to your forehead, he reassured you that it wasn't your fault. You did all that you could, and that would have to be enough.

He would be with you through the whole recovery process, helping heal your wounds.


With Yoongi, he would have to be the one to comfort you after your dad's passing.

Your dad was definitely the back-bone of the family. The one who supported everyone through everything. The solidarity when the world seemed to be swaying.

However, that firm ground was gone. The rug was pulled out from under both you and your family, and you all felt vulnerable. Especially your mother.

Your mom hadn't worked since she had given birth to you, because she needed to take care of the kids, while your dad provided for the family.

Now, you saw it as your responsibility to step up and be that rock.

It had been a few weeks, and it had already taken its toll on you. You felt so tired and defeated.

So, even though Yoongi was already so stressed from his work, he would take it upon himself to help out as well.

Not only would he send money to his parents, but your mother as well. He would begin calling her and encouraging her, doing the same with you.

Even though it was outside of his comfort zone, he would do it for you.

Because he loves you and wants you to be ok.


With Hoseok, he would have to comfort you after the death of your family's dog.

It was merely due to old age, and your family had been warned and prepared, but it still hit just as hard.

You had spent so much time with your dog, and had him since high school.

He had felt like a younger brother. It was like losing a sibling.

He encouraged you to talk to your family, as well as do things that you enjoyed.

He would take you to an amusement park, and then your favorite restaurant.

Even though it was just a family pet, he understood how close the two of you were, and made sure to spend extra time with you, distracting and cheering you up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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