You Collapse from Overworking

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When he came home and found you lying on the floor, purse on your shoulder and phone flung across the room, he immediately panicked.

He would rush over to your side and checking your pulse.

When he concluded you were still alive, he would calm down (but only slightly).

He would then pick you up and lay you back down on your bed, then do whatever was necessary to make sure you were in a position where you could breath and you were comfortable.

And I feel like when you woke up, he would want to have a conversation right then and there. He would not let you do this to yourself again.


After Yoongi got a call from one of your coworkers saying that you had collapsed, this would be one of the only times his bandmates had seen him panic.

He barely managed to put a jacket on before rushing out the door (even though it was the middle of winter).

He would arrive at your office looking like he had run a marathon. Chest heaving, swear pouring off of him.

But he would pay his own condition no mind as he ran over to you and knelt by your side.

He was aware that you had been working longer hours than usual and barely getting any sleep. But he wasn't any different, was he?

He had though if he didn't bother you about it, it would go away eventually. He was wrong though, he had let it go on for far too long.

Since he knew that it was only exhaustion and nothing more serious, he had one of your coworkers gently place you on his back and he secured his hands behind your knees.

After he thanked everyone who had helped, he quickly made his way back to your shared apartment and let you rest on a proper bed.

Rest assured that once you woke up, he would let you know what he thought.


You collapsing would scare this poor man half to death.

One minute you two were having a nice conversation about some movie, and then the next minute, your eyes rolled back in your head and you fell off of your chair and onto the dining room floor.

Because he didn't know what was going on, he called an ambulance in a panic.

On the way to the hospital, he could barely keep still for longer than two seconds, pacing around the vehicle.

When you arrived at the hospital and the doctors checked up on you, they let Hoseok know that you had just passed out from exhaustion, and that once they had given you the proper fluids, you should return home and rest in bed for three days straight.

Once you two did return home, he followed the doctor's instructions to a T.

He did not let you leave that bed for anything but going to the bathroom.

And he didn't even have to say anything, just seeing him in his panicked state made you not want to do the same thing twice.


This sweet, dimpled man would surprisingly be calm, I think.

He had known that you were working later nights and longer days, and kind of expected something like this to happen eventually.

He had kept telling you to stop doing this to yourself, but you being your stubborn self would have none of it.

So when you collapsed outside the door to your apartment, he just gently picked you up and carried you inside, laying you down on the bed.

When you woke up, he would first make sure you were alright before giving you a stern 'I told you so' speech and making you promise never to do that again.


This sweetheart would be so startled that he would nearly fall down himself when you slumped down onto him as you were walking hand in hand down the beach.

Once he was properly carrying you, he would immediately call for help from anyone walking by, which only encouraged a crowd of people to gather around the two of you.

When the paramedics arrived, they did a quick check of your vitals, and once they confirmed you just had a fainting spell, they informed Jimin that this was caused due to your problem with heat and overworking yourself.

Then they advised him to take you home and run you a cold bath once you woke up.

And he did exactly that.

And I can assure you he kept a close eye on you from now on to make sure you stayed healthy.


This man is such an angel, I swear.

He hadn't noticed that you were working later days than usual due to his own erratic schedule, so when he received a call from the hospital saying that you had collapsed, it would take him by surprise.

He would rush to the hospital, demanding that he be taken to your room immediately.

When he got there, the doctors assured him that you were all right, but you just needed more sleep.

When you woke up, he let you lean on him as he gently led you home and into your comfy bed.

And from then on, he made sure to come home at a decent time so in turn, he could guarantee you got enough sleep.


When you fainted, I feel like Jungkook would not know what to do, but not completely panic at the same time.

Instead of calling the hospital, he would enlist Jin's help in ensuring you were healthy.

He did as his hyung instructed, laying you down on the bed and placing extra pillows under head to make sure you could breath.

When you woke up, he would ask you why you did this to yourself, and when he decided that your answer was not adequate, he would make you promise to get proper sleep in the future.


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