You Have Cold Hands

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Oh my gosh, I can relate to this one so much!

My hands are practically ice-cubes 24/7 (my feet too, btw. Yeah, it's not fun).

Thank you so much for requesting this, and I hope you enjoy!



I feel like Jin would just be one to constantly worry.

You didn't notice how cold your hands were, since you were so used to it. You've been like this since as long as you could remember.

He would constantly be making sure you put on gloves.

If you were opposed to that, he would sneak hot packs into your pockets.

Anything to keep your hands warm.

He would be such a mom about it, it's not even funny.


For some reason, I feel like he has really cold hands too??

I've noticed that when I get sleep deprived, my body has a harder time regulating body temperature, and we all know that he is extremely so.

The others may not get much sleep, but he is on a whole other level.

So, there you two were, just a pair of icicles. There isn't much you both can do about it.

You might have to share tips and tricks with each other on how to keep warm.

Just: Icicle couple.

That's all I'm saying.


I think it would be more funny to see his reaction than anything.

One morning, you both were just going for a walk, and he went to hold your hand because, you know, you are a couple.

Immediately after making contact with your hand, he quickly pulled away from you and screamed, "Ahh!"

When you looked at him funny, he would just glare at you, "Jagi, what is wrong with your hands?! Are you ok? Are they going to fall off???"

To that you would just laugh.

He may try to put your hands in his pocket to warm them up, but no guarantees though.

You get what you're going to get with him.


I don't feel like Namjoon would say much of anything.

Yes, he cares about you and is worried. However, he knows you have noticed how cold your hands are by now. It's your choice whether you want to do anything about it or not.

If you asked him to, he would buy stuff for you. Otherwise, he would just leave the decision up to you.

He let you take care of it.


This squish would be another worrier.

The moment he felt how cold your hands were, he would just wrap you up in a tight hug, and insist on cuddling for the next hour.

You assured him you were fine, this was completely normal.

However, whenever the weather was cold, you would always have to affirm that yes, you were fine. Everything is normal, I'm not going to die.

He just really cares about you and wants you to be comfortable.


Now, with this man, I feel like he would be similar to Jin in this instance.

However, instead of mom-mode, it would be more like older-brother mode??

If you get what I'm trying to say.

He would always wrap you up tightly in warm clothes, almost giving you a heat stroke in the process.

He would just really worry about you, and want to do something about it.

This is how he would just show that he cares.


The only reaction I feel like Jungkook would have would be:

Oh. That's interesting.

And that would kind of be the end of it.

Like Namjoon, if you asked for help, he would grant it.

However, he would just let you do your own thing.

It was your body, and if you wanted to freeze it, that was your own choice.


Hello everyone!

Thank you so much for reading!

As always, I would love to receive your requests or comments.

Seriously guys, I would love to interact with you.

Thank you and love,


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