English is Your First Language

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He would use you as his personal translator.

It didn't matter where you were, or what you were doing. He would constantly be shoving papers or wrappers in your face, asking you what it said.

But, you didn't mind.

You loved getting the chance to speak in your home language.

In addition to asking you what certain things said, he would always try to pry English puns out of you.

This you didn't like so much.


I think he would be so confused.

Whenever you two argued, you would accidentally slip into English without you even realizing it. It was just easier to express yourself in your native language.

He would have to stop you by holding out his hands and yelling, "STOP!" In English to get you to realize what you were doing.

Afterwards, you would apologize.

But, he would understand. You were making the effort to speak in his language everyday, after all.


Since he had a basic understanding of the English language, I don't think he would mind too much.

You mostly slipped up when you were excited or angry and just couldn't form sentences fast enough in Korean.

He would sit there calmly and wait for you to finish.

If he didn't understand something, he would ask you about it afterwards and you would explain what you meant.

He (like always) wouldn't care very much. He would just roll with it.


Since he was practically fluent in the language, whenever you accidentally spoke in English, he would speak it right along with you.

You would constantly just forget that he spoke Korean natively and talked to him in English most of the time. It got really confusing when the rest of the boys were over, though.

You would constantly be switching between the languages. Speaking English with him, Korean the rest. He didn't mind, really he just thought it was funny.

He also used you for his personal English practice.

Because of you, his understanding of the language increased dramatically in short periods of time, just because of your constant mistake.

He really appreciated it.


This little bean would be constantly confused.

Whenever he heard you talking on the phone to your friends, he could barely understand a word.

After you got off the phone, he would ask you what you were talking about.

"Oh, we were just talking about meeting up in two weeks. She's visiting."

Yeah, he had no clue you said that.


This sweetie thinks he knows English (but he really doesn't).

He is getting better though!

He's always trying to engage to in a conversation with you in your native language and you think it's absolutely adorable.

The way he stutters and has to pause and think every couple of seconds.


He honestly goes out of his way to try and learn the language.

He really does try his best.


He would be so confused. Just flat out confused.

It didn't matter if you were talking to your friends, talking to a stranger, or talking to him, for that matter.

Whenever you spoke English, he was in a constant state of confusion.

He has picked up words and phrases along the way, and is improving.

You just think it's funny.

The Golden Maknae is finally not good at something!


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