We have a Daughter? AU

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An Alternate Universe where Ekko and Jinx had gotten married when one day Jinx had left and Ekko had been depressed and angry, becoming more rough when fighting criminals. It's also the prequel to No Mother.

Ekko had just gotten back home after a long night of crime-fighting.

Unknown:Someone looks tired.
Ekko grabs his sword.
The intruder comes out of the shadows revealing Jinx wearing a bag.
Ekko:Jinx? What the hell are you doing here!?
Jinx:Chill Boy Savior, I didn't come to fight, I'm here to help you clean up your act.
Ekko:Fuck you! You had your chance before you left me. How could you do that to me, Powder. I thought you gave up your life of crime because... I thought you loved me.
Jinx walks close to Ekko.
Jinx:I do love you Ekko and that's not why I left and legally I'm still your wife.
Ekko:Then why did you leave?
Jinx:I left because I had two missions to do, the first one being kill gang lords and the second one being.
Jinx puts her bag on the ground and opens it revealing a sleeping baby.
Jinx:I had to take care of our Daughter.
Ekko expresses a shocked face.
Ekko:We... have... a Daughter?
Jinx:Yes we do. Her name is Blue, I named her after my blue hair.
Jinx gives Blue to Ekko.
Ekko:Wait a minute, when did you-
Ekko:Damn you, hotel.
Jinx:I'm sorry for abandoning you.
Ekko:I'm sorry for swearing at you earlier.
Jinx:So you gonna help me raise our Daughter?
Ekko:Of course.

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