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Ekko:Okay this time I'm gonna beat you.
Powder:You said that the last time we played and the time before that and the time before that.
Ekko:Well this time I'm telling the truth.
Powder:You said that too.
Ekko:Shut up and play.

They start playing their game.
Powder:I win.
Powder:I win.
Powder:I win.
Ekko:*Rage Scream*
Powder:Just give it up, Little Man, you're not going to beat me.
Ekko:We'll see about that.

They start playing their game again, Powder is shooting at Ekko, he is dodging all of them, he jumps and kicks Powder's knee.

Ekko:Yes I win!
Powder:Ow! You hit my knee.
Ekko:Oh crap, sorry. Please don't tell Vi.
Powder looks at Ekko, they both look at each other intensly.
Ekko:Don't do it.
Powder:I'm gonna do it.
Ekko:Don't do it.
Powder:I'm gonna do it.
They both just look each other.
Powder:*Fake Cry*
Vi comes in looking like a Super Saiyan.
Powder:*Fake Cry* It was Little Man, Big Sister.
Powder looks at Ekko with a face that says "You're f*cked".
Ekko:Wait Vi, I can explain-
Vi:*MUI Goku Roar*
Ekko puts bandages on Powder's knee very quickly.
Ekko:She has a bandage! She has a bandage! She has a bandage!
Vi stops and looks at Powder's knee.
Vi:You're lucky.
Vi leaves.
Powder:Oh man, she was gonna kick your ass.
Ekko:Powder, you're gonna be a psychopath, you know that.
Epic Foreshadowing.

Ekko and Jinx One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now