Wedding Day

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Ekko looking at his white tuxedo in the mirror.
Ekko:Guys, are you sure I don't look like a dickhead?
Scar:You look fine, man.
Ezreal:It's a great suit.
Blitzcrank:It is fabulous.
Ekko:You guys sure.
Scar:Look at yourself in the mirror again, I don't see a dickhead, I see a man who's about to married to the love of his life.
Ekko:I guess so.
Ekko:I want this to be the best day of her life but I'm pretty sure it will be the worst for her because Caitlyn is here.
Scar:Yeah Pilties, am I right?
Everyone:Yeah totally.
Ekko:I wonder how Powder is doing.

Ezreal calls Lux.
Ezreal:Hey Lux, Ekko wants to know how Powder is doing.
Lux looks at Jinx and the Girls.
Jinx:Out of all the days for you to ruin, it just had to be my wedding day!
Caitlyn:Just calm down, Powder.
Jinx:Don't tell me what to do, I'll do whatever the hell I want!
Jinx:Who even invited you!?
Vi:I did, Powder.
Jinx:How could you do this Vi, I'm your Baby Sister!
Fishbones:You should really start to treat Caitlyn with respect now, Jinx.
Jinx:Shut the f*ck up, Fishbones!
Jinx kicks Fishbones and hurts her leg.
Jinx:F*CK! x10
Lux:She's doing fine.
Ezreal:Lux, we can all hear what's going on, I put the phone on speaker.
Lux:Gotta go bye.
Lux hangs up the call.

Jinx starts crying.
Jinx:This is the worst day of my life.
Lux:Everything will be alright, Jinx.
Jinx:No it won't, Fat Hands brought her Piltie Girlfriend here.
Vi:Wife, we're married remember?
Jinx:That just makes it worse because now she's officially my sister-in-law.
Jinx:Ekko is gonna hate me now because I've been crying on our wedding day.
Vi:Pow-Pow, Little Man isn't going to hate you, he loves you and you know that.
Jinx:Do you really think so?
Vi:I know so.
Vi and Jinx hug each other.
Jinx:Alright well I'm ready to go.

Jinx walks with her arm held by Warwick.
Warwick:Treat her good or you're dead.
Ekko:Got it.
Heimerdinger:Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends and Family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the joining of Ekko and Jinx in marriage. With love and commitment, they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife.
Heimerdinger:Say your vows please.
Heimerdinger:You first, Jinx.
Jinx looks at Vi.
Vi throws a thumbs up and smiles.
Jinx:Ekko, back in childhood, you were my first and only friend, you supported me no matter what, even though when we grew up we tried to kill each other a couple of times but we're past that and now I'm glad I'm going to be with you.
Heimerdinger:Your turn now, Ekko.
Ekko:Powder, from the moment I saw you, I knew you were the one, that was until you got adopted by Silco, but then you came back to be the one, anyways when we were kids I was always in love with you since the day we first met and today I love you and I will always love you.
Heimerdinger:Do you Ekko take Jinx as your wife?
Ekko:I do.
Heimerdinger:And do you Jinx take Ekko as your Husband?
Jinx:I do.
Heimerdinger:You may now kiss the bride.
Ekko and Jinx kiss and everyone claps their hands.
Ekko and Jinx then leave in a limousine and go on their honeymoon.
Caitlyn:I am so proud of them.
Vi:If she comes back pregnant, I'm gonna kill him.

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