First Kiss AU

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Ekko and Jinx:15
An alternate universe where Ekko and Jinx are in High School.

The bell has just rung and Ekko was on his way to class when suddenly someone gets in his way.
Jinx:Hold it right there, Ekko!
Ekko:Woah, Jinx.
Jinx:Where do you think you're going?
Ekko:Well the bell rang, so I'm heading off to class.
Jinx:Aren't you forgetting something?
Ekko:No, I don't think so.
Jinx:You moron! You forgot about our date!
Jinx:Yes! Our date!
Ekko:I don't remember asking you out on a date.
Jinx:Yes you have!
Jinx:Everytime we see each other!

Vi:I don't see why you have to always be so homophobic, Powder.
Jinx:Because it's wrong! And I told you my name is Jinx now!
Vi:Here comes your man, Pow-Pow.
Jinx turns around and starts blushing.
Ekko:Hey Vi, hey Jinx.
Vi:Hey Little Man.

Ekko:Wait, I wasn't asking you out.
Jinx:If you weren't asking me out! Then what was that!?
Ekko:Um... I just have really good manners.
Ekko:Wait, uh... maybe I could kiss you.
Jinx instantly calms down.
Ekko:(Alright Ekko, all you have to do is kiss her and then go to class.)
Jinx is leaning in to kiss.
Ekko:(Wow. She looks really cute.)
Ekko kisses Jinx on the forehead.
Jinx:You idiot! On the mouth!
Ekko quickly kisses Jinx on the lips.
Ekko:Well that was nice Jinx, anyways I gotta go to class.
Jinx kicks Ekko between the legs.
Ekko falls on the ground.
Jinx:You moron! Did you really think I wanted it to be quick! Get up and kiss me again!
Ekko starts to get angry.
Ekko:Enough Jinx! Making me late to class is one thing but kicking me between the legs! That's where you crossed the line! Now get out of my way so I can get to class!
Ekko and Jinx just stare at each other intensly.
Jinx then becomes sad and turns around.
Jinx:Y'know Ekko, a lot of people hate me and I was hoping at least someone would love me, I thought you would love me, but I was wrong you're just like everyone else.
Jinx starts to walk away.
Ekko:(Ah! What is this feeling in my Heart, is this guilt, maybe I should apologize to her.)
Ekko:Jinx wait.
Jinx turns around.
Ekko:I want to apologize for what I said earlier and... maybe... we could... kiss.
Jinx starts blushing.
Ekko:I'll take that as a yes.
Ekko kisses Jinx and they both loved it.

Ekko:Jinx I need to go to class, I'm super late.
Jinx:Just one more kiss, Little Man.
Ekko:That is the seventeenth time you have said that.

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