Rescue Mission

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This story takes place a year after Silco adopted Jinx/Powder. Ekko is 14, and Jinx is 13.

Ekko and Scar are on a building looking at Powder on top of another building.
Scar:We shouldn't be here.
Ekko:Why do you say that?
Scar:I know she was your friend, and you want to save her, but she's gone, man.
Ekko:Don't say that. I know she's done horrible things, but the Powder I know is still in there, I can feel it.
Scar:I don't know, man.
Ekko:Listen. If something goes wrong, make sure to save me, okay?
Scar:Yeah, just be careful.
Ekko goes to the building that Powder is on.

Powder is just on the rooftop of her building while her father is having a meeting with other overlords of zaun. What she wasn't expecting, though, was that she was going to see an old friend.

Mylo:All your fault.
Claggor:All your fault.
Mylo:You are nothing but a Jinx.
Claggor:You are nothing but a Jinx.

Powder snaps out of her hallucinations after hearing her old name, turns around, and is shocked to see her old friend.
Ekko runs up to Powder and hugs her, Happy to see her old friend again. She hugs back.
Powder:I'm sorry.
Powder starts to cry.
Powder:About Mylo, Claggor, and Vander.
Ekko:Powder, it's okay, it's not your fault.
Powder:It is my fault. If I had just listened to Vi, none of this would've happened.
Ekko:Powder, listen to me, it's not your fault, you were only trying to help.
Powder's tears start to go away.
Powder:What are you doing here?
Ekko:Isn't it obvious? I've come to save you.
Ekko:Sorry it took a while. It's kind of hard, planning to break into the headquarters of zaun's most powerful overlord.
Ekko:But, hey, now that I've finally rescued you, I can take you to my new home, the home of the firelights, we have like a huge tree, and it's so beautiful.
Powder:The firelights?
Ekko:Yeah, the firelights, they're my crew. In fact, I'm the leader.
Powder is shocked to hear that her friend is the leader of the Rebel group who have been trying to kill Silco.
Ekko:So? Ready to go?
Ekko says, smiling.
There is silence, and then Powder speaks up.
Powder:You have to leave.
Ekko's smile starts to disappear.
Powder:You have to leave. Now.
Ekko:Heh, weird time to start joking now, right, Powder?
Powder starts to look at him with an intimidating stare.
Powder:I'm not playing around. You must leave and never come back.
Ekko starts to get worried.
Ekko:Powder, what are you saying?
Unknown:She's saying she wants you to leave.
Ekko turns around and sees Silco and his men.
Silco:And I suggest you take her advice.
Ekko:Benzo, Mylo, Claggor, Vander, Vi. All of them are dead because of you!
Silco:All of them stood in the way of the future of zaun, of the destruction of piltover.
Silco:Now, I suggest you get away from my daughter before I kill you.
Ekko:Daughter? Fuck you. Powder would never think of you as some father figure. Right, Powder?
There is silence, and Ekko looks at Powder.
Powder walks over to Silco, looks at Ekko, and points her gun at him.
Ekko:Powder? What are you doing?
Jinx:My name is Jinx.
Jinx shoots Ekko in the stomach.
Ekko starts to think of all the good memories he's had with Powder, and tears start to form.
Scar comes in, throws a smoke bomb, and disappears with Ekko.
Sevika:They got away!
Silco:No matter, we will deal with them another time.
Jinx thinks about what she did, and she smiles.

Back at the firelight hideout.
Ekko starts to wake up.
Ekko looks at his bullet wound.
Scar:Are you okay?
There is silence, and Ekko starts to tear up.
Ekko:I'm sorry. I should've listened to you and the others, I'm sorry.
Scar:It's okay, you thought you could save her, that's all that matters.
Scar:How do you feel?
Ekko:It wasn't Silco or even one of his men who shot me.
Ekko:It was her. It was Powder. She shot me.
Ekko:How could she shoot me?! I thought we were friends!
Scar:Like we've been trying to tell you. It wasn't Powder who shot you. It was Jinx.
Scar:What are you gonna do?
Ekko:Powder, just like everyone else is dead. So I'm going to avenge her by killing Jinx.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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