Part 13:

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Alexs POV:
So me and paul had it planned for a while that we were going on a road trip and just explore since we both loved to visit new places. We agreed to go when we both saved $500 each. Paul already had his saved up. I got a call earlier from the bank telling me i had $513 in the bank. I heard the door downstairs open and i ran down “paul! I have enough” i look up at him and he smiles “finally! Now we need to plan everything… Anywhere specific you want to go?” He looks at me and i shrug “id just really like to go somewhere with like i nice lake and beautiful sceneries” i smile and he laughs “your such a pansy.. But i guess we’ll have to” i hit his arm playfully “im not a pansy” i laugh and start to walk away “oh is it cool if your ‘girlfriend’ comes over today” i chuckle and he glares “she isnt my girlfriend..yet..just shut up i dont care…” He walks to the kitchen and i laugh going to my room.

1 Hour Later:
I hear a knock at the door and i run down and open it “hey kailey” i let her in “hey” she smiles and looks around “pauls in the kitchen..” I sigh and she laughs “dont worry alex im here to spend the day with you” she nods and i nod as we head upstairs but too late “hey kailey!” Paul says coming out of the kitchen and i sigh but kailey wips around smiling “hi paul!” She smiles widely and waves. “Urg gross” i mumble “look… You two hang out cause i know you want to and ill just phone danny or something” i shrug “nooo alex i came to hang with you im not going to ditch you.. Only if you insist..” She adds and i roll my eyes smiling “go on i insist..” She smiles and heads downstairs “no funny business!” I warn and head upstairs.

Pauls POV:
I smile and take her hand leading her to the kitchen “want anything?” I look back and she shakes her head no “no thank you, thanks anyways” i loved how polite she was.. “Listen kailey… I know weve only been on like 1 real date but.. I want to ask you something..” I take both of her hands and look into her eyes.

Kaileys POV:
“Whats that?” I ask nervously and look into his eyes. He swallows nervously “tell me..” I swing his arms slightly and he sighs “well.. Your all that i think about.. All that i want… I know we havent knew eachother for long but.. I want to be able to hold you during movies, hug you goodbye, and hold your hand letting other guys know your mine… Be my girlfriend?” He bites his lip nervously and i smile widely “yes, yes paul id be happy to be your girlfriend” i nod and he takes me into a hug and i hug him back.

Do you really love me? -An Exclamation Point FanficWhere stories live. Discover now