Part 1

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I am just crying silently and walking through the streets and asking myself why did i believed him blindly?why?? Whyyy??? I was literally screaming in my mind. My legs have no energy to take further steps so I went to the nearby park and sat on a bench.Now I am thinking about my past, how I met him and how all these happened.


Y/N : Lia why you are putting this much
makeup? We are just going to
grocery shop.

Lia : I know where we are going but you
know that I can't go anywhere
without makeup lol

Y/N : Aishhh!!! You will never change
lets go.

Y/N is an orphan. She lived in a small orphanage at Busan. She is very kind to everyone and helpful to others. She studied hard and got scholarship in the best University of Seoul. After reaching her University she stays in a dorm and her roommate is Lia. They are in the same class too so they became as best friends. They were not comfortable in the dorm so they shifted to a low rented house which is small and comfortable for both. After class in the evening y/n used to work in a cafe as a part time job because she don't want to trouble Lia.

Now they both reached the grocery shop and started to take the things which they needed after billing they came out of the shop. Then they saw some mens were beating a boy and thrown him near the streets. Y/N went to help him but Lia stopped her.

Y/N : Why are you stopping me Lia?let
me help him and take him to the

Lia : Do u know who he is ? He is Mark
who is working in a Mafia's club
where every illegal business is
done. So don't help him and get
yourself into trouble.

Y/N : Lia he is just working there that
doesn't mean he is a bad guy. I am
going to help him if you want you can
come with me otherwise you go
home with these things I will come
back later.

Lia : I know you are not gonna obey my
words so I am coming with you I
can't leave you alone here.

Then y/n called for ambulance after some times they reached the hospital.

Nurse : Doctor please come to OP a
patient is in critical situation.

Doctor : Ok I am coming now.

Doctor and nurse went inside OP and after sometimes the doctor came out.

Y/N : How is he doctor?

Doctor : He is in loss of blood
immediately we need AB
positive blood. Do you know
anyone in that blood group?

Y/N : I am AB positive I can donate him
my blood.

Doctor : That's good please come fast to
the blood donation room. This
nurse will take you there.

Y/N : Ok. Lia I am going with the nurse
you stay here.

Lia : Sure I will be here.

Then y/n left with the nurse and after 2 hours she went near Lia and sat with her. After an hour later doctor came from the OP.

Y/N : Is he ok now doctor?

Doctor : Ya he is fine now after an hour
                    we will shift him to a room after
                    that you can meet him.

Y/N : Ok Thank you doctor.

*Author note*

I hope you guys enjoyed reading the first part of this story. Please support me through your votes and comments.

Please don't forget to click the star button below. See you soon with the second part of the story.💜 Borahae 💜

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