Part 25

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At Present

In V's mansion

Jimin : V you already knew about Y/n? Why
            didn't you tell me?

V       : Yes I knew about her. When I become
            the Mafia King my first duty was to
            find her and I did that. I waited for a
            right time to tell you.

Jimin  : But why were you rude towards her?

V        : I became rude when I saw fear in her eyes towards me but when her eyes met JK I didn't saw the same fear. I got frustrated and my anger increased.

Jimin   : If you knew everything about her then why didn't you stop her being in relationship with Mark because we know that Mark is a fraud and if you revealed yourself she would have accepted you.

V         : I don't want her like that if she had remembered me she wouldn't have accepted Mark.

Jimin    : But you didn't even try Tae........

V          : Jimin stop it I don't want to talk about it.

V left

In JK's mansion

???         : How did you came alive?

Mark      : It's all because of my pregnant    
                wife. I still wonder why you both
                are very much interested in Y/n,
                she is just an useless bitch.

Suddenly the mansion echoed with a bullet sound. Mark thought he died but the bullet just passed through his shoulder. Now Mark knew that he just woke up an ANGRY BEAST.

Mark     : JK Sir I'm sorry I won't say anything
               bad about her please don't kill me.

JK         : You should not even think about
              talking bad about her so I have to
              give a gift for you to not to repeat

       JK shoot on Mark's left ear. Mark was screaming his lungs out.

JK        : I allowed you stay here for my use so
             don't you try to become friendly with
             me. If my mind change I won't
             hesitate to kill you and your wife, I
             don't care if your wife is pregnant
             or not I'm not V so be careful.

Mark left in pain

In V' mansion

            Jimin explained about his childhood to Lia.

Lia    : Oh my God!! These all happened in
           Y/n's life but she never mentioned
           about you guys. She used to tell I'm
           the only friend she has.

Jimin : What!! How can she forget about us

Lia    : This is not a silly matter if she forget
           about you guys we should remind her.

Jimin : How?

Lia    : Wait I'll show you, Y/n is coming.

Y/n   : Hey what you guys are doing?

Lia    : Nothing just some chit chats. Y/n I'm
           feeling hungry let's cook something.

Y/n    : Ya I came for that only it's already tea
            time for us.

Lia    : Ok. Chimmy you want tea or coffee?
           (as part of their drama she winked at

Jimin : Anything is fine for me.

          Jimin and Lia were looking at Y/n but she had no changes in her facial expressions. So Lia tried to give pressure to the name Chimmy but nothing works on her.

Y/n  : Jimin, is Chimmy your nickname ?

Jimin : 😅No, Lia kept that name for me.

Y/n   : Oh ok. I'm going to kitchen, Lia are you
          coming ?

Lia   : Yes I'll be there in five minutes you go.

Y/n left

Lia    : Why did you said I gave you the
            name ?

Jimin : Already V doesn't want to reveal
           about himself then how can I.
           Something has happened to her or is
           she acting??

Lia    : No idea we have to find it.

       At the same time V enters the mansion.

Jimin  : Where were you ?

V        : Just went to find my greatest enemy.

Jimin  : JK ??

      V nodded his head. Lia understood they are having a serious conversation so she left from there and went to kitchen.

Jimin  : Did you got any information about
            him ?

V        : I think it's an yes but I need to
            confirm something.

          Suddenly they heard Y/n screaming from the kitchen, Jimin and V ran to her.

V        : What happened ????

Y/n    : I saw someone's shadow near the

Jimin  : Lia did you saw that person?

Lia     : No I was washing plates so I didn't
            look at the window side.

         V asked the bodyguards to check all around the mansion but they didn't got any hints.

V      : Y/n are you sure you saw someone
           there ?

      Y/n was scared and she was in deep thinking do didn't listen to his words. V doesn't like when she is not replying to him but he controlled his anger.

V     : Y/n I asked you something

        Still no reply from Y/n so he broke a glass in anger which is now scattered in the floor and the reflection of both V and Y/n is seen in the broken glass pieces. Y/n blinks her eyes in shock and she realised what was happening there.

V     : I need my answer I won't repeat again
         Did you saw a person there or not ?

Y/n  : Y..yyess I s..ssaw (very much

      V left without saying anything. The sudden fear made her to form tears in her eyes which she don't want. She don't want to become weak anymore, she soon went to the washroom and washed her face hardly. V went out of the mansion and came during the midnight. When he entered his room he became shock.

V     : What are you doing in my room ?

Y/n  : It's my room too.

V     : You don't have any rights to stay in my
         room so get out.

Y/n  : 😏only I have the rights to stay here
          because I'm your WIFE.


             Hello my readers🙋🏻‍♀️hope you guys are fine and not angry with me as I'm delaying in uploading the next parts so SORRY for that🙏I'll try my best to upload the next parts on time.

          I hope everyone liked this part please don't forget to vote and comment, keep supporting me. See you soon with the next part 💜 Borahae 💜

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