Part 19

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In V's mansion after two months

         Now Y/n is recovering slowly from her traumas but still she has the fear. With the help of Lia she started talking with Jimin but she doesn't talk much to him, doctor said this as a positive sign and doctor also said that if she didn't interact with men then she will be having Androphobia( fear of men). Meanwhile Jimin and Lia became close and days passes by they love each other even more. V secretly visits Y/N's room to check on her which is unknown to Y/n but Jimin used to watch all these things, sometimes Lia too noticed it.

           Y/n will be mostly in her room when she feels she need fresh air, she moves to balcony. Now it's evening time and Y/n is standing near the balcony, Lia comes there.

Lia   : Y/n have this tea, do you want any

Y/n   : No Lia this tea is enough for me.

Lia   : Ahmm....Y/n I wanna ask you

Y/n  : Pabo we are friends not strangers
        so why this formality just spit it

Lia  : Actually Jimin invited me for
        dinner date but I am very much
        confused now I don't wanna leave
        you here alone so I think it's better
        to not to go what do you say?

Y/n  : You have already done many
         things for me, you can't be with me
         for the whole life you have to live
         your life too so go with him and

Lia  : (gave a smack on her head) How
         dare you to say like this? Who the
         heck said I can't be with you
         forever, now you said like this
         know so I am not gonna leave you
         whatever happens and I'm not
         going with Jimin he understands
         us well so he will also prefer this
         only. (After saying this she folded
         her hands and back faced towards

Y/n  : (She slowly back hugged Lia with a
         smile) Oh my dear stupid Lia I'm
         ok now you just go with him. I
         know Jimin is very understanding
         person but still because of me you
         guys shouldn't cancel your plan.

Lia   : No we are not going.

Y/n   : Julia is here, so if I need
          anything she will help me so go
         and spend your time with him.

Lia   : Are you sure ?

Y/n   : 100% sure, now go and get ready
          then come like a queen let Jimin
          fall for you again🤭

Lia   : I'm already a queen 😏

Y/n   : No no you are a bad bitch Jimin
          doesn't know that🤣

Lia   : Y/n!!!!!!!!!

Y/n   : Ok ok stop screaming, go, go and
         get ready.

           After sometimes Jimin and Lia left the mansion. Y/n was waving her hands towards them from balcony. Now she was getting some fresh cool air by closing her eyes.

           V was silently watching her from her room's door, his eyes doesn't move from her, he is looking her with lots of emotions which he doesn't know. Suddenly he saw Y/n is becoming tensed and panic.


     After waving bye to Jimin and Lia I was enjoying the chillness of nature then I saw one of the bodyguards was showing some wierd actions towards me especially with middle finger and his main part. I felt disgusting and suddenly JK's face and his actions came into my mind, I ran towards the bed side and sat on the floor hiding myself. Then I felt someone's warmth in my body when I looked up it's V, my eyes filled up with tears and without thinking anything I hugged him tightly and shed my tears on him. I felt safe with him which I never felt before.

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