Part 5

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V and Jimin were walking towards the basement room. Now the door is opened revealing a handsome man with dangerous aura.

 Now the door is opened revealing a handsome man with dangerous aura

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V : Did you contacted him?

Jimin : No I was waiting for you.


Am I dreaming or not. MAFIA KING is infront of me OMG what the hell have I done to him?Why he kidnapped me?And about whom he was asking to Jimin. Then I noticed Jimin is calling someone and the phone is in speaker, from the opposite side of the call I heard a familiar sound which made my eyes to fillup with tears.

OTP (On The Phone)

??? : Hello Mark speaking here, who is

Jimin : I think you can recognise me by
my voice.

Mark : I don't have time to waste on you
if u want tell me who are you
otherwise I am gonna cut the

V took phone from Jimin's hand and started to speak but the phone was still in speaker.

V : Are you that much busy in
hiding from me??

Mark : I have heard this voice
somewhere,wait is this Maf..fia
K..king V?

V : Wow you guessed correctly now
come to xxxx place otherwise you
will never see your girlfriend

Mark : What you mean my girlfriend?
Is she there?

V extended his hand towards Y/n to take the phone from his hand and speak up. Her hands were shaking,she hesitantly took the phone from his hand but she was not interested to talk to him so she was just silent. Jimin knows this silence will make V more anger so he whispers her to speak. But again she was not ready to speak with Mark.

Mark : Hello...hello is anyone there?
Y/N are you there? Babe?

Y/N : Don't ever call me like that with
your bloody fucking mouth you
have no rights to call me like
that anymore.

Mark : Babe why are you saying like
this? How did you get there?

Y/N : It's none of your business don't
act like you are caring for me.

V : If you don't stop your drama I
will kill you now itself.

By saying this V took the phone from Y/N and started speaking to Mark.

V : You have heard her voice right
and now you have to reach here
within 30 mins otherwise I will
kill her.

Then he cuts the call and left the room with Jimin.

Y/N : Now I am suffering here
because of that bastard why he
should come back to my life
again. He cheated on me and
because of him I got kidnapped.
I should have obeyed Lia it was
all my mistake to fall for him.

She goes back to her flashback again.


After that hospital scene Y/N and Lia left to their daily routine works.

Time Skips

After 5 days Mark went to the cafe where Y/N works to meet her.

Y/N : Good evening sir, hey you are that
person right whom I took to the

Mark : Yes you are right and my name is
Mark. Thank you so much for
helping me that day.

Y/N : There is nothing to thank in that
every humans would do that and
do you wanna order anything?

Mark : 😀 nowadays who cares about
others specially a stranger
anyway thankyou. Actually I came
to meet you so I don't need

Y/N : Please can you have something
because my cafe's owner is
watching me after you goes he
will scold me so please.

Mark : Hey don't please this much you
have saved my life can't I do this
for you. I need one cold coffee.
You didn't tell me your name.

Y/N : Oops sorry I forgot, I am Y/N. You
can sit there your order will be
there in 10 mins.

Mark seated himself on a chair and he was admiring Y/n which she didn't noticed. He felt something different on his heart it was beating so fast. Days passed and he was always thinking about her whenever he meets her his heart beats so fast he found the reason, he is in love with Y/n. He decided to tell it to Y/n the next day itself.

Next day

Y/N was going back to her home from the University then she got a call from Mark which made her to smile.

Y/N : Hello Mark

Mark : Hello Y/N, where are you now?

Y/N : I am going to my home from

Mark : Can you come to our usual place
I mean the park.

Y/N : Ok I will be there within 15 mins.

After 15 mins she reached the park and starts to search for Mark. Suddenly someone hide her eyes with some clothes.

Y/N : Hey who is that?

Mark : Shh.. Y/N it's me don't panic I
have a surprise for u so come
with me.

They walked some distance and he unfolded the cloth from Y/N's eyes and she was so shocked to see the decorations and him kneeling infront of her.

They walked some distance and he unfolded the cloth from Y/N's eyes and she was so shocked to see the decorations and him kneeling infront of her

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Mark : Y/N I can't wait anymore I want
to tell this *deep sigh* Y/N I

Tears started to flow from Y/N's eyes
and Mark got panicked by seeing her crying.

Mark : Hey Y/N please don't cry I am
sorry if I have hurted you.

Y/N : No you didn't hurt me, tears
formed in my eyes because of

Mark : That means you....

Y/N : Yes Mark I TOO LOVE YOU.

Mark and Y/N hugged each other💞

*Author note*

First of all let me ask sorry to you guys because I uploaded this part late. I was busy with my exams and competitions sorry guys I will try to upload soon😊

Thank you so much those who support me specially KarthiVarna1293 she also helped me to create the cover page for this story. I hope you guys liked this part of the story. Please don't forget to vote and comment. See you soon with the next part 💜 Borahae 💜

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